Thanks, but so far Prius doesn't seem too great for head checks (i.e. over the shoulder) either. I thought that was an acknowledged thing about Prius - or do you get more used to seeing out of the little rear-side windows? I find myself doing head checks and feeling like I can't see much - but then I'm coming from a 2000 Corolla, which is much different.
Yep, tap your brake pedal. That activates the special rear facing red illumination devices built into the Prius. SCH-I535
I've also never experienced this phenomenon, unless it's an issue w/the Gen lll's? Hadn't previously heard of it though
Thanks all! Just took it out for another late night ride. Fewer tailgaters on the road, but it did seem like I'm getting used to it more. A combination of "trusting" the view out of the right rear corner window a little more + slight adjustments to seat position and mirrors seems to help somewhat. I'm sure dirty rear windows contributes to the difficulty, but they'll be unavoidable. Would be happy to hear more suggestions though if you have 'em! Speaking of dirty windows: just stopped for gas and cleaned the rear windows at the gas station. Errrr.... do you just squeegee them like normal windows? Felt a bit awkward - especially that little bottom window. And of course there was a Prius taxi driver at the pump right next to me watching as I stood there clumsily trying to manicure the windows with the squeegee...
I come across so many cars with misaimed or improperly installed headlamps that the Prius' rear spoiler bar is one of my favorite night driving features. For me visibility is enhanced when an overly bright pair of headlights are masked from my rearview mirror. Once you have the outside mirrors properly adjusted you'll have no trouble seeing the person behind you at night.
Svham, I do not know about the 2013 Prius IV and how it handles, but I can tell you if it is ANYTHING like the 12 Prius C 4; you're going to have some fun! I am a former Mazda owner myself (2000 626 LX) and after I totalled my Mazda I bought an 09 chevy hhr. It got OK mileage (32mpg) but the Prius C lured me in with its 62 city-45 highway. First thing I did was run her through some roundabouts, hop on the interstate, and fight to jump ahead of the semi convoys. I have had her for a year now and it is HARD to remind myself I am not driving some little souped up ricer!! Lol Like you, I was super excited by bluetooth, satellite radio, HD radio... the only thing my girl doesn't have is a sunroof and rear entertainment system. I enjoy my rig SO much... and she's so reliable! Been driving 3 days now on ice and nary a slip! Hope you enjoy your new car. Elsewise, if you don't, hopefully the dealer would be willing to help you into a C. Recommend them to all my friends. Only down side is you really can't haul more than 2 kids comfortably... All the best from Luna's Lass!! ...? via my Samsung Galaxy S2...
A year and 15k miles has taught me to forget the squeegee and carry glass cleaner, paper towels etc. Double and triple checking before I make a move from zero mph is vital. Those little windows and mirrors need to be checked constantly, my driving position seat and steering wheel get tweeked depending if I'm in town or on the thruway or attacking the hills in Vermont. The stock suspension in my opinion is sloppy and a bit of Cusco and a TRD rear sway kit added confidence in the city or the curves. I'll let the Chatters tell you more if that matters. I've only got $5k mods so far and won't risk highjacking a thread. They will cut your head off for that so I am self limiting my posts. Not wrapping my car in black while I wait my turn though. Gotta find a place to sell my spare parts in the mean time.
I was under the impression that all prii have rear washer/wipers? Perhaps my OM is dated, but it says to never use window cleaner on the rear window b/c of some sort of sensors in the glass? Maybe a better educated owner of a Gen lll can clear this up <pun intended>
HAHAH! Yes... with my rig, center rear headrest is great for obscuring pesky misaimed headlights. I think it is the model of prius you bought... I can see all around with my C. All the best from Luna's Lass!! ...? via my Samsung Galaxy S2...
Thanks for the info. Just to clarify - I'm not the OP, and I haven't bought a Prius yet; just spent a couple days with a "Try Before You Buy" rental. Am weighing Prius (liftback) mainly against the new Mazda3 hatch. Which also has rear vis issues, though its window arrangement is more conventional than the Prius's.
Take the money you save in gas and treat yourself to something you want. My guess is that after two years you will have an extra 3 grand in your pocket. Also start out by driving the car in power mode, that makes the throttle response more like a normal car.
Wow, thanks for that info, hope I didn't mess things up. The window under the spoiler is pesky as can be. Easy to get it filthy difficult to reach the corners and edges. Wonder if vinegar and H2o is safe.
Yea the lower section is a killer. I don't even try to look over the hatch glass. Leaving down the seats is my best helper hands down. Drivving as a one seater helps
Just reading about the Broadway Rear View Mirrors. Looks like a few people on here have used them successfully to help with the side blind spots. Though I guess, since it makes everything smaller, it could actually worsen the problem of cars in the rearview that "disappear" when their headlights are obscured by the bar.
They have clip on wide rear view mirrors that aren't convex (no distortion), they are totally flat. The convex wide angle mirrors give me a headache. SCH-I535
Thank you xliderider and BluetoothEd ~ My first car a 356B 1963 came with a convex on the drivers side and a tiny, tiny one on the rearview ? It was no kidding about 1 w X 3/4 h of one inch oval an engineer from GE sold it to me and I asked naturally Wth? " it came that way , damned if I know what they are for. His dad got it in '63. Headaches and distraction is what the side one did. Rearview was in fact a broad view and I could focus in a flash. The Gentex on BF's persona edition and Mom got a Special Package and they both took them off lacking any home link. Temp and camera on one seem like good additions.