OK — Really not sure if this has been answered in any other post (if it has, sorry to re-post the question). I am planning to go out and buy a Christmas tree (6' or 7'). This is the first time with the Prius C and I am just wondering if there are any tips you could give me regarding transporting it home. Is it better to put it on the roof? Will it even fit in the car enough to close the back? And if I put it on the roof, are there any hooks on the bottom of the car I could tie something to? I looked earlier, but couldn't find anything. Thanks for any thoughts on this!
How much does measuring from the dash to the rear of the trunk with a tape measure yield? That'll tell you right away if putting it inside would be fruitless, lol. The other thing I'd worry about putting it inside without taking precautions is sticky sap. Unless they wrap fresh trees for that purpose, I just don't know as I bought a Balsam Hill tree to not deal with it haha.
I did a quick measure between the dash and the rear of the trunk and it is just over 7' so I think it should be fine. Definitely taking precautions with the sap. I have a huge sheet with which I will cover the interior in. I was kind of hoping that there'd be hooks somewhere to strap the tree to the roof, but it seems like placing the tree inside will work out fine anyway. Don't know why I am anxious about it! Thanks!
For putting stuff on the roof, you could use that 'free string' home depot has at the exits and just tie it to the "oh crap' handles in the car and shut the doors on them. But I agree, I always prefer to put stuff inside when at all possible and you are not alone, when it comes to stuff like this, I get anxious as well being a clean car nut. Good luck and Merry Christmas!
I am SO glad you asked this question! I, myself, had been wondering. Our truck is down needing new bearings so I was faced with the decision of... tell the kids they weren't getting their Christmas tree today or finding SOME way to work with my little prius c... I, too, considered the possibility of tying it to the grips and shutting the door... but the door sensors are so dang smart I doubt they'd allow that without a lot of screaming... All the best from Luna's Lass!! ...? via my Samsung Galaxy S2...
i would put in on top depending if you do not have too travel far. renting a christmas tree also seems to be an option; i saw a christmas tree rental company on shark tank. could be worth it, depending on the price (they drop off and pick up).