I think some of the newer toyotas have a HEPA type cabin air filter. So I'm wondering if there are some compatible ones that'll fit in the gen2? Thanks. iPod touch using Tapatalk
Don't know of any HEPA filters out there, but this is the one I recommend. Genuine Toyota Cabin Air Filters - Charcoal Filter You can find similar products elsewhere like on Ebay and Amazon
If you take your filter out and go to a commercial cleaning shop where commercial vacuum cleaners are sold there may be one that uses a similar size filter.
HEPA Cabin Filters | Bosch Auto Parts Bosch now makes cabin hepa filters, and for the 3rd generation one has been confirmed to work in the gen3 by amazon reviewers, the 6055C. I haven't ordered one yet but plan to in 2019. I am interested in the OP question on the gen2 though since I have allergies and during some weeks of the year I get bad headaches when the air isn't filtered. Plus when I transport my birds their lungs are sensitive to particulates. It doesn't appear that any of the HEPA filters fit the gen2 prius though, I think the filter slot is thinner.
Is there still no HEPA cabin air filter available for the Gen 2? (By which I mean available for purchase; I see people are making DIY ones.) The frequency of dangerously smoky air here in the SF Bay Area makes this a critical need, as my lungs are impacted enough my COVID risk is elevated.
not that i have seen. i doubt it would work anyway, since the filter box is so loosey goosey. plus, you can't seal off outside air making one custom fit might be a better option. are you using charcoal?
Thank you very much for the swift reply, bisco! Now I've googled for a Gen 2 Prius HEPA cabin filter, I see Amazon and "Advance Auto Parts" both say the Bosch 6056C will fit! [Advance Auto Parts Unless y'all know that it won't, I'll buy one immediately! p.s. I'm using a NAPA Gold; is charcoal better for smoke than it? Than HEPA? Edit: I posted links to the Amazon and AAP product pages, but it seems the forum did not like that. Is there a right way to post links or should I desist in doing so?
the advance link works fine, not sure what is wrong with the others. try googling which filter is better for smoke, but i don't think you can beat hepa. as long as you can return it, i would give it a shot! and please let us know how it turns out, for the benefit of anyone else looking. my brother met a couple from napa yesterday, who took an air b&b out here until the smoke clears.
I'll report back on the fit when I get it. (Even the Advance link got posted oddly, with a title--until I edited it--that said that that site was down.)
Great news, friends; the websites were right, the "Bosch 6056C HEPA Cabin Air Filter" does fit my 2005 Prius! I could not be more surprised, since it obviously looks nothing like the regular one. But it's dimensions matched so I opened the bag and tried it. It makes a good fit, using the whole available area. Since debris accumulated on the top of my old ones, I mounted it blue side up (since the airflow arrow points away from the blue side). (I just bought a spare since it went 15% off since I got the first one five days ago; you can find it on Amazon by searching "B01JYSX06Y".) Reviews say it reduces airflow, so I guess it's possible someone might decide to swap in a regular one for times the air isn't full of wildfire smoke or pollen (which around here is not most of the time). I noticed a review concerned about the time it would take for the AC to cool down the car in very hot weather (which we don't have a lot of here). I did spend time googling charcoal filtration; my understanding from careful reading is that it does nothing to filter particulate matter, but it would help the smell of smoke (it acts on gas molecules). Personally it's the tiny smoke particles getting filtered by my lungs I mind, not the smell of smoke. HEPA Cabin Filters | Bosch Auto Parts
The air quality here has generally gradually improved somewhat, but it still isn't good. Though it depends on the wind; here in Berkeley opposite the Golden Gate we're generally luckier than most. While the two biggest fires in the SF Bay Area are expected to be fully contained tomorrow, the one upwind of me (the one near Santa Cruz) is still only 46% contained.