Just picked up my 06 #3 Black - my first choice - 2 week wait - and I have a question about the smart key system. Can I set it up to automatically lock the doors when I (or the "key" on my person) leave the vehicle and am out of range? Or do I always have to click the lock button? Thanks, -Curtis Also - averaging 46mpg so far for my first 250 miles.
I'm almost certain you can not. What I do is just hit the little black rubber square on the handle and that locks it.
You have to either push the black button on the door or the lock button on your fob. There is no way to have the doors lock the way you want them to, either by mod or setup. The doors will re-lock if you use the remote to unlock and then don't open the doors for 30 seconds, but that's not what you want.
Wow. Thanks for the fast replies. Enjoying the site, and enjoying the Prius very much. I've never owned a car before that compelled people to approach me and ask questions about it - often drooling. : ) -Curtis