LAGOS, Nigeria — About 100 feet down, on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, divers had already pulled four bodies out of the sunken tugboat. Then a hand appeared on a TV screen monitoring the recovery. Everyone assumed it was another corpse, and the diver moved toward it. “But when he went to grab the hand, the hand grabbed him!” Tony Walker, project manager for the Dutch company DCN Diving, said of the rescue in May. Divers find man alive in sunken boat - The Washington Post
If I had been on that dive??? You would not have wanted to be around me when I took off that wet suit..... Harrison Odjegba Okene (the Nigerian cook) did give GOD the credit for saving him, bu the article didn't mention why the Almighty called the other 11 folks home and put the tug boat in Davey's locker. I'm a Navy Chief, but.... That's a little above my pay grade.
Ignoring the religious element here, what an amazing story. I can't even imagine how awful it would be in that air bubble. Just floating in water, in pitch black, knowing you only have so much time before that air is done, and no potential to escape. Or way to know if there was an escape option. It's not like he could go investigate. Three days of that. Waiting to die really.
Ignoring the mythical fairy aspect, it is incredible that he survived. I wonder if this is the longest anyone has been trapped under water like that and survived. Excluding submarines and things that have broken down under the water for weeks. I can't imagine being trapped down there. You wouldn't really even know how much air there is so you couldn't even calculate when you were going to asphyxiate. I wouldn't get back on a boat for a while either!