hello everyone! the past few days here in Colorado we have had single digits temperatures and I have noticed something odd with my prius. when I go to start it up, the Maintenance Required light lights up. my car was just at the mechanics last week for an oil change... is it possibly that the cold temperatures are causing this? this was a common thing that happened in my truck that I use to have...
Excuse my simple question. But when you say it comes on...do you mean it lights up and stays lit? Or just comes on momentarily when you first start the vehicle? Because it's designed to come on when you first start the vehicle as part of the process. If it's just coming on for second as you start the vehicle, I believe that is normal. If it's coming on and staying on....you have a problem somewhere. Temperature shouldn't really have anything to do with this.
it flashes on and off 4 or 5 times after starting the car but than turns off. I was just wondering if anyone had had this happen before because mechanics tend to be expensive even if they are just looking at your car... so I only want to go to the shop if I have to...
also...my last mpg fill up was 37 mpg.I usually range about 45 mpg... could all the Colorado snowy driving conditions affect that?
Cold temps and pushing through snow will both effect mpg. It's normal and will get much better when the temps go up and the snow is gone.
The wunnerful Prius gurus provided a formula for re-setting the Maint. Req. light (just in case yours is experiencing a similar occurance) here: Maintenance Req'd light | PriusChat Hope that helps.
It's not a malfunction. IIRC, it starts doing that (intentionally) when you pass the 4500 mile mark since last reset. Once you hit 5000 miles, it'll stay on continually until reset. Presumably, you will have the proper maintenance done (e.g. oil change) at that 5K mile mark. It's in the owner's manual. I just don't have it in front of me.
Hello there, I would say that as long as your check engine light is not coming on and the only thing coming on is the maintenance light that more than likely it is probably just a minor thing especially since you said you just went to get an oil change at the mechanics last week. Best case scenario it could be that maybe when the car got checked in, maybe the miles counter was not reset during the last change which is something you could reset yourself if you still have the manual or can call someone by phone to ask them how to do where you took it at. If you are still concerned, I would say start browsing online for maintenance coupons for auto shops besides the dealer, to save your self some money on getting it checked out if resetting the miles counter doesn`t work. When a maintenance light comes on it doesn`t necessarily always mean an oil change, it could be a number of things like the break, or radiator, maybe even power steering but let`s not jump to conclusions.
Check your tire pressure too - if you used a quick lube place for your oil change, that could be affecting your mileage (along with the colder weather).