I just got a 2009 Prius with 101k miles on it. The car is in great shape, but it needs new tires. We put the Michelin Energy Savers on our 2007 and have been happy with them, so I thought I'd put those on the 2009. But a local tire shop just told me they have a deal on the Nokian Entyres: free rotate and balance, free alignments every 10k, and free replacement for the life of the car (not just the life of the tire). The salesman told me that if I put another 200k on the car, they will replace them for me whenever they wear out. Pretty good deal if they are decent tires. Which is my question: Does anyone have any experience with the Entyre? How does it effect MPG? I read one review that said it had excessive road noise - any experience? The Nokians are more expensive than the Michelin's, but the free alignments would make up for that in a year. Any thoughts?
I have Nokian WR-g2 on both my cars. Expensive, but excellent tires. They are quiet and comfortable and give excellent FE. I believe Nokian where the first company to manufacture LRR tires. Best tire I have purchased. Mine are all weather tires good for all seasons. Very good when you have the pressure monitor system. H
Thanks for the info. Do you know what the difference is between the WR-g2 and the Entyre? Why did you go with the WR-g2? Thanks, Aaron
Because it has the snow flake insignia for winter and many use this tire all year around and are very pleased with all around performance as I am. I am not sure sure but is the Entre not just all season tire? Where I live the tire must have a snow flake printed on the side of the tire. All Nokian tires are LRR though. I am not sure of the laws in your area, so it is up too you what is best. All I do know is Nokian are one fine tire. I will check thier Web Page and see what class the Entre is. H
I've always found that when something sounds too good to be true then it usually isn't (true). So you buy just one set of these tires and then they keep on replacing them for free, whenever they wear out, for as long as you choose to keep the car. Seriously there's got to be a catch. Sales people are experts at wording things in such a way that you believe you heard one thing, when they actually said something else entirely. I'll bet this is what's happened here.
here's the deal: The new Nokian eNTYRE . What do you think of it? The only catch seems to be mechanical wear, but I'm not really sure what that means.
Wow, that's a crazy deal. Still sounds too good to be true, but you're correct in what they're saying.
I'm betting that if people miss one rotation or alignment then they void the warranty. I'm going to call today and have a longer conversation with them about it. My worry was that the Nokians weren't good tires, so I posted here. But it seems from reading other threads that people like them. I think this special must be part of their marketing budget. If I know I have to get my car aligned there then they hope I'll start doing oil changes there, then maybe brakes, then other work. And I have to keep them in mind so they are hoping for referrals. They probably don't make money on the tires, but are hoping that the sale leads to all sorts of other work. I mean, heck, I just posted here about them!
I would love that package. Make sure they are LRR, I am sure they will be as I believe that is all they manufacture? My Nokian,s are made in Russia. H
If you're looking for low RR, not sure about the EnTyre. I'd speculate they're "not bad". In your shoes I'd probably go for Ecopia EP422. The Nokian WRG2 is another matter: they're an all-weather tire (have the snowflake/mountain symbol), fairly aggressive tread, stay pliant in cold temperatures. In short: halfway between an all-season and an full-blown snow tire. While they're described as LRR, in my experience they were no where near as free-rolling, comparing to Bridgestone Ecopia EP20, which are decent.
Yeah they're not bad but not great either. This test ranked them at 2 MPG less than Ecopia EP422 on a 2004 pruis: Low Rolling Resistance Showdown: Ecopia vs. eNTYRE And there are lower RR tires than the EP422 available now, so I'd guess you be about 2 to 4 MPG down compared to the best LRR offerings. But then you have to factor in that the Nokians are free (apparently?) after the first set you buy. Still think there's a catch though .
We actually had a set of Ecopias on our Volvo (which we sold to buy another Prius), and I wasn't happy with them at all. Our MPG did improve, but the handling was terrible. Maybe that was just the heavier car but it felt like the car would slip easily in the wet weather and was terrible in the snow. I think the choice is between the Michlins and the Nokians T this point.
just wanted to follow-up on the thread. I ended up getting the Entyre. I found a coupon on the Direct Tire website for another $75 off so I ended up getting four new tires, plus lifetime alignments, rotate and balance, and free replacement tires for $624. The weather here is snowy & cold so I can't offer any comments on the mileage, but as things go along, I can compare my 2009 with the Entyres with my 2007 with the Michelin's and see how the mileage compares. Of course, that may be more of a statement on the difference between my driving and my wife's... Thanks for all the help!