Hi everyone, I just have my 2013 Prius C3 for two months and few days back I noticed that the Slip Indicator light blink a few time when I went through pot hole/uneven road (low speed, ~20mph). In the same time, I can hear as if there is a piece of metal sheet somewhere in the car vibrated. Is this normal? Thanks for the help
The Slip Indicator is normal. When your tire hit the pothole or uneven surface it lost traction. The Slip Indicator just reported this loss of traction. Don't know about the metal vibration.
Thanks. Anyone who hear anything like a metal sheet vibration after hit a pothole? sounds like resonance or something similar..
Its the abs that vibrates. It's not cool when the slip indicator is on and you try to brake, and the car won't apply them. The brake pedal goes mushy for a half-second.
Thanks for the answer . It's a relief that nothing is wrong with my PC. Btw, most of the time is I step the brake to slow down, then hit a pot hole. Not the other way round.
Usually I don't hit pot holes, but here in Houston they sneek up on you. For instance last night, after making a right turn BAM! Pot hole mid turn. And then natural reaction after the bump is to apply the brake.
So, did you hear any metal vibrating sounds under the dash? or the sound is muted by your loud voice cursing the local council.
Lol, I heard metal vibration coming from under the dash. Usually more sound from the side that hit the pot hole.
It's kind of a spring "doinnnnng!" sound to me, but a relatively low pitch one... I wouldn't think of it as a metal sheet sound. There are so many holes and bumps in Sydney roads that I have this at least every other week... in fact even at home there's a drainage grate at the bottom of the ramp into the carpark that seems to have a habit of setting it off. Note I'm pretty sure I've done it with my foot off the pedal (ie. only regen brakes operative).