Application approved on 11/8/13 and was told $1500.00 rebate check ain't coming until sometime next yr. Does this warrant a Wth moment? So who's actually gotten paid, anyone?
I received mine in the end of November I filled the application in September Turn off signatures in Tapatalk Tapatalk
Filled it out immediately after I got the car and was paid a month later. That was last year. Turn off signatures in Tapatalk Tapatalk
...Real deal! I think is the correct answer. Enjoy it while you have it. In January, I will sum up incentives for PiP, but we lost ground 2013. West Virginia got rid of its $7500 incentive, MD reduced down to $600 for PiP. All I am aware of is PA has $1000 for PiP (if still active...anyone know?) and CA has $1500, believe CO reduced the PiP incentive but still has something. Some states are better for BEV, my coments above are PiP-specific. Of course the Federal $2500 for PiP is still available for a long time unless Congress changes the bill.
My was approved on 11/07 and I haven't received the check either. But I'm sure it will come eventually.
I initially applied in April of 2012, got the check one month later, saved it for gasoline, still have $ 900. left ! It is a real deal. The kitty ran dry and they will be getting more funds shortly.
The CVRP program is administered by a private non-profit under contract to the state, and the money comes from the state. When the state decides to deposit money into the account, anyway, which seems to be at random intervals.