Hi all - recently a new Prius owner here and loving driving this car! It's loads of fun. I drive from San Diego to Santa Cruz a few times a year - between four and five times - and am wondering if anybody here has done that drive? Specifically, past LA and up the grapevine? How does the car perform up the long incline? Also, how does it feel/handle when it gets gusty up there? Looking forward to the looooong drive down. Also, anyone familiar with HWY-17 in Santa Cruz? Thanks!
I've done similar trips from Sacramento to LA on i5 and along the coast. The grapevine is no problem for the Prius. Your mpg takes a big hit going up it but you get a huge boost going done the other side. Obviously you'll get better fuel economy by going slower but I've done the grapevine at 80mph and higher. The engine revs like crazy but pay no mind. Just don't forget to remove all grille block material before the trip!
Thanks! My last car was an 09 Hyundai Elantra and that thing was LOUD during that drive, so nothing I'm not used to lol.
I drove my PiP from the Bay Area to San Diego last July 4th. There were pros and cons to the Grapevine. The CVT performed admirably giving me the power I needed without the annoying gear hunting. It was, however, breathless going up the grade. I could not keep up with traffic in the left lane with my family of four inside. The Prius is a terrible drive when wind picks up, no matter where you are. When it is gusty, I follow semi's. That's how scared I get. The car shakes and shimmies. Definitely, slow down on hwy 152. Still, pushing 80+ mph netted me 47 mpg over the whole trip. I'll be going to San Diego again next week. My in-laws are there so I make the trip at least twice a year. Maybe we'll pass each other.
BTW What did you mean by grill block material? like the bugs that accumulate? lol...or actually something physically behind the grill? My father is a mechanic...I should know these things. oops
Some folks block their grille openings in winter to help keep engine temp up and improve aerodynamics. It's not a good idea to run the block while traveling at high speeds on the highway. Ask me how I know. it was on the grapevine that I remembered. Eek!
There have been too many close calls for me on that highway when I almost hit something. The only time it was fun was when I had my Integra and WRX. Those two cars took those turns like they were on rails despite windy conditions. Everything else has been a sweatfest especially one steep downhill portion where CHP likes to catch people off guard.
What's the difference making that trip with a Prius versus the Volt? Are the seats better? I managed to regenerate 4.5 miles going north and south on the Grapevine on the downward portion with the PiP.
I agree with everyone. I drive from Fresno to SoCal all the time. It's amazing how good mileage can be going over. Going up, your MPG will suffer but you will make it up coming back down. Just watch out for strong winds, they will toss the car around. My best tank in my Gen 2 was from Fresno to San Diego and back over the Grapevine. iPad ? HD
I have not done this particular trip in the Volt yet. The Volt will be much much more stable at speed and I find the seats to be more comfortable although I have the basic cloth seats. I've already done long trips through the mountains with the Volt so I think it will be just fine. The engine will be just as noisy as the Prius. LOL The PIP advanced was more comfortable than my Three but the Three with lowering springs handled better. They were all more comfortable than the GenII but the GenII handled well with the lowering springs and 17" wheels.
I've done that in my 2011, twice in my 08, once in the Camry Hybrid, and twice with an F250 towing a car...no problems with any of them.
B mode works really well to control your speed coming down the grapevine ( or any long decline ). It's like cruise control for your brake pedal. When you are coming down the grapevine put the car in b mode and slow it down to the speed you want to go , say 70mph, the car will not pick up speed and go beyond 70 even if the downhill gets steeper and steeper.
Why even take the 5? I've long since abandoned that route, and take the more scenic and less sleep-inducing drive down 101 through Santa Barbara and the Pacific coast. Sure, it's about 20-30 minutes longer, but it's well worth it, and you don't have to deal with as many eighteen-wheelers either.
Already done a few trips up-and-down the Grapevine with the 2013 Prius. With two people and a weekend of backpacking and photography gear, it handles it just fine. I did, however, refuse to entertain the prospect of doing so with 4 people (including a couple of 200+ pounders), a car stuffed to the brink, AND a Yakima Sky Box 18 on top (presumaly also stuffed to the brink), AND the possibility of hitting dirt roads. No thanks. I'll opt to chip-in and rent that XTerra. But yes, the 101 is a more scenic and enjoyable drive. I'm planning to do that in a couple of weeks.