Is there anyone who is not excited about taking delivery of a new car? One of the sensations associated with a new car is the smell upon climbing inside. Perhaps we associate the excitement and newness with the smell so that some of us like the smell. Perhaps some of us have developed a sensitivity (or even nausea) to the aroma and really wish it fades quickly. Which type are you? Here's an excerpt from Chemical & Engineering News, May 20, 2002, Volume 80, Number 20, CENEAR 80 20 p. 45.,
The new car smell is wonderful, and the Prius holds it longer than just about any car I have ever owned. Mostly due to the fact that it has less of a new car smell and more of a new computer smell. I enjoy that smell also. Nothing like opening up the box of a new PowerBook or iMac and enjoying that smell too.
I normally like the new car smell, but I must admit I was a bit overpowered after smelling my car every day for the first seven days, 16 hours per day.
I didn't see it in this article, but I think Toyota has toned down the new car smell in light of this fact. I did a quick google search -- toyota new car smell - and came up with some info, but am having problems posting it here.
The new car smell in my wife's new Prius was the smell of burning plastic. It brought back memories of boy scouts, camp fires, and burning plastic spoons. I'm guessing that a piece of plastic debris got into the electric cabin heaters. Fortunately it went away after a couple of days. If it had stayed around until the following weekend, then we would have been taking the car back for repairs.
Mad Magazine once did an article on car accessories. One of them was an aerosol can called New Car Kick which basically duplicated the smell of a new car. I think I've actually seen something like it in auto stores.
I love the smell of new car, and even better, new car with leather. Mmmmm!!! :wub: My husband's 2-year old Accord w/leather still has a newish smell to it, I hope my Prius's new smell lasts a long time too.
yeah, I love the new car smell! I only wish those cheesy new car scent air fresheners they sell at the car wash actually smelled like my new Prius!
i like the new car smell.. i held mine for almost 2 years now.. but i need to do some shampooing.. and minor cleaning to get it back...