I picked my Prius up today and my manuals were in a manila envelope. I don't really care enough to buy a case but it would have been nice if the dealer had thrown one in...
makes me respect our portland dealer all the more. we got the portfolo for our prius bible, chapters and verse.
Well, it COULD be complimentary from the dealer. But I personally think it is unnecessary. It's only a vehicle owners manual. You might read it cover to cover after you get the car and then refer to it maybe twice or so every year. I'd bet most people (not PC's though, we're a tough crowd!) don't ever open their owners manual. For every penny the dealer has to spend is one less penny he has in his bottom line. And less money in his bottom line gives him less room to be competitive with other dealers. Just simple ECO 101. But perhaps the advertising potential is worth extra cost of a leather manual cover. That's the dealer's decision. My owners manual came in a simple plastic book cover stamped with the Toyota logo with a pocket built in for other paperwork. Seems to work just fine. Rick
I'm on the hunt for a Prius bible cover! Oooh, just saw your link above, Godiva. Thank you thank you thank you! Ordering one right now....
Odd. You can only order zero or one from that site... But my local dealer doesn't even show the part number.
Well, mine doesn't just hold the manual. It also holds the insurance, registration and HOV papers. I have everything zipped up on one place, nice and safe and easy to find.
Well, mine didn't come with it. I think it's up to the dealer as to whether he wants to do a give-a-way. I did buy one and it's really great. Lots of nice clear pockets for holding all those cards and stuff. The Owners manual fits in the middle and when it's zipped it all fits in the slide-in recess at the top of the lower glovebox. Slick! B)
Has anyone contacted Toyota Customer Service to get the skinny as to whether this is a standard inclusion or not? If so, we are ALL entitled to it.
do not know, i don't want one. more stuff, and the slot in the glove box holds everything just fine..for me, anyway...02
Just picked up my package 7 today (Keyes Toyota in Van Nuys, CA). Also came in that ugly white Vinyl pouch with their name on it. Stuff is so tight in their I can barely get it in/out! I guess their advertising is more important to them then a nice pouch for us!
What I got from my dealer was a leather portfolio. It holds everything, fits in the space in the lower glove compartment, and the is held closed with a magnetic snap.
I also got a cheap cardboard folder for my manuals that already started to tear when they gave it to me. But I was in Staples a few days ago (which has turned out to be a great place for car accessories!), and I found a Case Logic Car Organizer which has a pouch that is PRECISELY the right size to hold all of the manuals. Not leather, but much better than torn cardboard.
The right hand side of my window sticker, under optional equipment, has the following item listed: "DK. Preferred Owner's Portfolio" with no price shown. What I got was a zippered pouch which was okay, but nowhere near as nice as og1600's.