So I've been having this issue the last few days with the messages about power consumption being too high on my USB port. I've had no more than 1 simple USB cable and an iPod classic attached to it. First of all, this is BS. There is no way anybody is going to convince me that I can leave my headlights on, interior electronics, speakers, etc. when the car is powered off, but 1 little USB device while the car is running is too much??? However, I seem to have developed a new issue. As a result of my car flickering back and forth with the power on this USB port, it seems to have done something to my iPod. My device itself is no longer recognized by the car, nor my PC. The iPod knows a USB cable is connected because when I connect it to the car, the iPod lights up, but the device does not start playing. Now I just tried to connect the iPod to my PC and I'm getting errors about being unable to recognize the USB device. Has anybody else had similar issues? It seems with the USB mode going on and off constantly the one night in my car it has essentially created a power surge and destroyed my iPod. The iPod itself still works when connected to headphones or speakers, but the USB functionality itself seems to have been broken. I know the car is at fault, but Toyota will never admit to it. The cable I previously used had an LED light string through it, so I could see the lights flickering on and off which is how I can tell the car was doing what it was doing, but even a classic iPod cable is not working either. Neither cable will successfully connect it to my PC any longer either.
well since i bought the car back in March, i kept an ipod classic connected thru usb all the time. i only had one problem once. and all i did to fix it was simply restart the ipod by holding down the menu and center button until it restarts.
I've tried that as well as trying to go into disk mode by holding down select and play when resetting it. Not even in disk mode does it connect to my PC successfully. All USB functionality seems to have disappeared. It doesn't even look like it might be charging.
It's not that the car doesn't have power to spare, but there's a limit to how much the USB port can supply, and the message is telling you that the port is overloaded. I got the message once when I connected a USB drive (not a memory stick), which definitely was too much of a load, but I use my iPhone all the time and it works fine. I suspect there's something wrong with your USB port, as lots of Prius c drivers connect smartphones and iPods with no problem, so you probably need to get the dealer to take a look at it.
I would believe that if not for the fact that my PC nor my laptop recognize my iPod anymore either using either cable. One is Win7 and the other Win8. I find it hard to believe that all my PC's decided to break at the same time my car did, but it was definitely while connected to my car that the iPod stopped working.
I'm not saying the car didn't fry your iPod, but it's possible that the iPod had some kind of problem independent of the car, and was overloading the USB socket. If the iPod doesn't work anywhere, there's obviously something wrong with it, and the problem may or may not have been caused by plugging it into the car's USB port. Do you have a USB stick that you could put a few MP3 tracks on to try in the car so you can see if the port is working?
I never trust electronic devices to be plugged into the power socket, nor do I leave my headlights or radio in the On position when shutting down the car and restarting. Automotive electronics and power supplies are just too unstable at startup, too many surges and voltage fluctuations for my comfort level. Several threads in this forum about headlights failing due to power surges at startup when left in the On position all the time. I'd say the OP's iPod might have been damaged from the unstable current from the USB port from leaving it plugged in all the time, especially at Startup. SCH-I535
Also Apple blatantly disregards the USB specifications and basically allows their devices to draw as much current as possible without negotiation. They are only allowed to draw 100mA until negotiated and then 500mA afterwards. iDevices can draw 1.5A to 2.1A (1500mA to 2100mA) as soon as they are plugged in. This will over current the USB port. As for damaging the iPod, it shouldn't. You more than likely had a separate independent issue that this exacerbated.
I have my Entune USB stick if nothing else for a test. Being as the cable with lights works and the iPod itself activates when plugged in, it seems to be an issue with the iPod now and not the cables or car. My thoughts have shifted from 'Wth is my car doing' to instead 'Wth has happened to my iPod and am I alone with this issue'. As for the iPod itself, I have had a few issues in the past with it randomly resetting in the car when switching songs, but never anything this bad. I'll leave my rant about Apple for another day. Suffice to say the ONLY reason I even own this thing is for the touchscreen connectivity. The fact that they expect me to authorize a $20 service fee to live chat with somebody online is not helping in my opinion of them.
How can you even label it as "fried" when it still works for the most part??? It's probably more of a bad usb cable(s) problem or a faulty/loose ipod port problem (ipod classic? so that means it's pretty old, so most likely a old faulty/loose ipod port problem, which haunts most/all electronics nowadays) If the thing is fried, I'm sure it would smell a little like bbq and for the most part be dead Things aren't supposed to be made to last forever anyway...that would be bad for business.
I value storage space over any touch features the more expensive models have. The 120GB model is very much needed by me. I've only owned this device for less than a year. Why I considered it "fried" is because of the way the power in the USB port flickered on and off, like a small kid playing with a light switch. Turning the lights on and off as quick as that is bound to have consequences. This was a time I was glad my USB cable had that LED light function. It was very useful in order to see when the power was going through the port. While the player can play music, the inability to sync to my PC or take a charge through the USB connection means it will be slowly losing power and eventually shut down sooner than later. As I mentioned in the previous posts, I have 2 separate cables that produce the same results of being unable to sync to the car or the PC whereas both cables were functional no more than 2 days ago. Only 1 of them was in my car at any given time until I just tried the stock iPod cable in my car yesterday to no avail. Maybe you have lower expectations than I do, but I expect something I buy new from a store to work for more than a year. The previous MP3 player I had from Creative was still working just fine 8 years later when I opted to switch to the iPod for the car's touchscreen. The earliest opportunity I have to take it to an Apple store is Thursday, so I will likely have to wait until then to find out what the issue is.
So pretty much what you described, is a faulty/loose ipod port. Because the car's usb port really doesn't output enough power for it to fry things, and for the most part "frying" would do more damage then what you describe
So after taking a look at it, the Apple "genius" (their name, not mine) came to the conclusion that there was a short in the connector. I left out the part about the car and the power fluctuations. They wanted to charge me $129 to replace it to which I cringed. He came back 1-2 minutes later and said I was 18 days outside my warranty and they would replace it for free. Not sure if that was actually true or not, but it was about a year ago I think I got it. So, props to my Apple tech for doing the right thing and replacing their hardware. Boo to my car's USB port likely being the cause of this short by shutting the device down or otherwise going completely haywire that night. I think from here on in, I will be using only the stock iPod cable in the car.
The use of the original Apple cable is a good call. I never had any issues with the use of my iPhone in my C until I bought a cheap cable that I could keep dedicated to the car. As soon as I plugged in the aftermarket cable I started getting the same error message about power consumption, and playback and charging of the device was not possible. As soon as I switched back to the original Apple cable, all is well. In my case, not Toyota's fault or a problem with the C's USB port, but my fault for using the wrong cable.
The car wouldn't cause a short in the IPOD... a short in the IPOD would have caused a short in the IPOD... stop trying to blame the car... it just happened to be what you plugged the IPOD in to.
I used to use a gen. 2 ipod via bluetooth in my 2012 c2 with no problems ever. I now have all my music on my htc thunderbolt also connected via bluetooth and no problems there either.