follow ups are always welcome LisaMarli uhh.. i have to approve your post?... i havent seen anything *shrug* .. i check my email a little too frequently too. I'll look around to see if i see some hidden approval thing..
Are you in charge of the Yahoo Group Bay Area Prius Fans? That's the one I'm having problems with. Sorry if I didn't make that more plain. I understand trying to avoid spam. But my message STILL hasn't posted to them yet! And it's been over 24 hours! Most annoying. I've posted on the list before, all I did was change my e-mail. I've re-sent the message, using Yahoo Groups onlline Posting system. They won't be able to say they are not getting the e-mail. In the meanwhile, it has posted to Prius-2G and Toyota Prius, so most Bay Area people will be aware of it. Since most of us belong to more than just Bay Area Prius. And since most of our notes have been shoing up in Latest Topic Replies here, people around here will know what we are up to. It's just annoying. I would like to encourage all Prius Owners who are online and are really geeky about their cars to show up every once in a while. I can't always make it to these things either. Lisa
Separate reply, since it is unrelated to the last one. NEXT MEETING! Sorry for the Shout, but we really should begin the planning. I would suggest, every other month, Fourth Saturday, that way, people can plan ahead. I believe people liked Saturday rather than Sunday. And it's often enough that we can enjoy each other, and not so often that organizing these things drives us crazy. That would make the next one April 22, which I might not make it to, since we will be coming back from Disneyland on the 21st (and I may be exhausted), but is otherwise well timed. Let's start planning this weekend, so we know what we are up to. (Yeah Right). By the by - The Future months would be - June 24, August 26, October 29 and Dec 23. I definitely would not be able to make Aug 26 (World Science Fiction Convention in Anaheim). Lisa
we may have to call up disneyland and world science fiction convention and tell them to be closed on those days so you can attend Nope.. i don't do yahoo.. i hate yahoo.. they suck. The suck at hosting and everthing else.. i blame them for Myspace slowing down to a crawl.
Yahoo owns/runs lots of things. They even own Flickr. Which is where we were talking about setting up a group photo account. But I don't have a lot of problems with Yahoo. I have SBC Global and they run a lot of their services through Yahoo. And I've been a member for too many years, so I'm used to them. CobraKid, If you want me to I can set up the Flickr Account, and then all you would have to do is hold your nose when you go look at our photos. Lisa
Uh.... You mean, like THIS? Bay Area Prius Group I figured we could share this account. I'll reveal the password to anyone who wants to upload images. I resized my shots down to 900x600 but I can proviude more pixels to anyone who wants them. What beyootiful cars!
yeah, i ment to get out there but things came up on sat so i couldnt make it but hey, hopefully i will make it next time !
hmm... my controls on this groups were acting weird the other day.. so i didn't make a new post for our feb meet.. but i did make an account. if you search for S.F. Bay Prius Club you'll find it.
Search where? On what website? Sorry, not trying to be dense, I just have no idea what you're posting about!
sorry.. long day and kinda stressin on life right now :\ but yeah.. on the picture hosting webpage.. which.. i can't remember the name right now... ... *shrug*... o well.. i'm sure you get the point now. ( if you don't, i'll go bang my head on the wall, because apparently i'm dense or something)