On Thanksgiving, I was in Brooklyn visiting a cousin. That meant I had to parallel park. I had a lot of trouble doing it. Part of the problem is that I just don't do it very often. But another was that I couldn't make my standard technique work, which is to (a) pull up to car in front (b) put the car in reverse, and steer hard while backing up; (c) stop when the middle of the rear windshield seemed on a line with the right corner of the car in back; (d) straighten the wheel while continuing to back up; (e) turn the steering wheel when I cleared the car in front. I couldn't make (c) work. Is there some special formula in knowing when to start going straight when backing up? Any advice would be appreciated.
Well you could follow these instructions How to Parallel Park: 9 Steps - wikiHow or simply use the auto park facility on your Prius it works like a charm
Turn the right rear view mirror so you can see the ground, or what you want to see, it might take some practice but it's not like going to the moon.
I recently installed a backup camera which comes in very handy parallel parking and backing out of perpendicular parking places too. The built-in gradients on the camera image let you know exactly when you are about to "touch" something with your rear bumper.
The time I had to parallel park in Secaucus was when I discovered the value of the back up camera. Unfortunately OP doesn't have one of those either. The only way to get good at something is to practice.
Tough crowd . I do agree that the best way to get good at parallel parking is to have to do it every day. Short of that, my only advice is to not think of benchmarks on when to turn the wheel but instead to visualize the back end of your car meeting the front end of the car in the back. Your basic steps are, of course, solid, so you know the route. It's like throwing a ball, visualize where the ball is supposed to go, not the throwing. And look over your shoulder, don't use the mirrors to see behind you. And unless the car owners are there, there's nothing wrong with a little "Braille method." I'm continually surprised with how little front end this car has.
This thread got me wondering; is parallel parking unusual in the US? Here every parking bay on the roadside is parallel. If you can't parallel park here, you've got a long walk.
I use the Midi-chlorian parallel parking method. That is I pull up parallel to the vehicle directly ahead of the empty space I desire, then putting the vehicle in reverse I turn the steering wheel sharply in the opposite direction that I want to go. Then I say out loud " Do or Do Not. There is no try.". Then I pre-emptively call my Insurance Company and claim that I've turned to the dark side.
It's still pretty common here- but the problem is, ppl tailgate so often now that there's sometimes no way to actually pass and then back up into the parallel spot because the car behind you is blocking the spot... and there are several cars behind that one so no one can backup to let you park...
No. It is quite normal for much of the country, but there are pockets where drivers can get by with rarely having to practice it.
Don't you indicate towards the space as you slow, then stop before you are next to the space so the guy behind has a hint what you're about to do. Pop on your hazards, pull forward a bit and start to reverse. If the idiot behind doesn't take that hint and pulls forward, then just keep reversing and let him get out of the way. Or just wind your window, point at the space and go for it. They always get out of the way