Here's a strange one... Model Year 2010 Prius, rubber along the front edge of the sunroof glass looks dry/cracking, but only on the left side of the car. Don't think it has anything to do with the location it is parked in, as that and the orientation changes daily. Has anyone else seen this? I'm at 104 000 km and haven't approached the dealership yet, but that's my next step, to see if they'll still cover repairing it. Thankfully this will not result in leaks, it's just cosmetic - the sealing surface is on the bottom of the glass, the big air-filled donut. -Iain
I had the same, and it was replaced under warranty. They have to remove the headliner, so I've got some rattles that weren't there before, and the roof clunks a little, as if it's not quite aligned correctly. I imagine it would be an expensive change, so consider carefully if they're not going to replace it under warranty.
all rubber needs some kind of protectorant from when the car is new and this wouldn't happen, if you were using ArmorAll or simular product then it is likely defective material!
Ok, i went to my toyota seller, and they removed the sunpanel and the glasroof och replaced it with new parts on Goodwill. My car is from late 2009. Price: sunroof+glasroof+work (20000+7000+8500) total: 35500kr (swedish Krowns) $5400. I payd 0:- Well se how long the rubber will hold this time.
Hello folks, this is an old post but I have started s new one on the rubber deterioration of the sun roof deflector of my 2011 Prius. I need to contact Toyota to see about getting this repaired. I believe it is a manufacturing defect. From your posts here, it looks like some of you suffered a similar problem but were lucky enough for Toyota to fix the problem for free. Let me know if you have any other details that might help me (and the others) with our cases. Thanks a million!
I have a 2010 Prius with a cracking/ bending/ twisting problem with the sunroof seal. No leaks yet. Called the dealer. They quoted several thousand $ to replace and install. My husband said," order one and I will install it." He later told me there isn't anything on Youtube to help instruct him so we are "Stuck" with this problem. I will call the dealer once again to inquire. Thanks for all the posts. It was helpful.
The sunroof is made up of 3 pieces of glass, the solar glass, the sunroof glass, and the front portion of the sunroof that lifts up 90 degree when the sunroof is opening. If you’re going to replace the sunroof glass, it’s held on by 3 bolts on each side. You can get to the bolt from inside the vehicle once you remove the plastic weather stripping cover. To get to the small glass panel in the front, you’ll have to remove the sunroof glass to get access to the brackets that’s bolted onto the bracket frame, there’s 2 bolts on each side in the front and 1 bolt on each side. Attached are the pictures, I hope this helps.
@NutzAboutBolts thank you for your pictures and description! I'm looking at replacing the front glass deflector panel as well. I took a quick look at mine the other day and it looks like if you open the sunroof all the way you don't have to remove the sunroof panel, as the arm attachment for the front panel is accessible? Also, from your post and pics it looks like the front panel is only attached at the two arm locations and the two hinge/pivots up front - there isn't any attachment under the front weatherstripping?
Hey you’re right, just move the sunroof all the way back and you’ll have access to the front glass panel. Those were the only bolts I saw, I don’t think it’ll interfere with any weather stripping. Keep us updated on your process. GL
I’m having this problem too. I think I’m going crazy because the is no Weather stripping on the leading edge of the middle glass panel and there is a big gap. I went to asin roof specialist and he couldn’t find the part on the diagrams. Is there supposed to be a seal there?
This is how mine looks like, you only have the wheather stripping on the glass itself since it’s one whole assembly, which is bolted into the sunroof frame. Same goes for the front piece. Not sure about the solar panel...
Thanks Nutz! Only th small front panel has any. I really thought there was another piece on the middle panel but I guess not. I’ll find out for sure if it leaks. I really need to go through the car wash...
Thank you all, Me Too. My moveable glass panel is the one where the rubber(?) edge protector is delaminating. I'd just like to get it repaired, the rest of the glass is fine and the rubber underneath provides the seal, so no concern about leaks. Its cosmetic for now, but with glass edges unprotected, bad things can happen. I'm looking for somebody who performs this kind of work... Maybe I should go into the business. I wanted to repair the dysfunctional rear window defroster and couldn't find anyone to do that either...