I noticed on a billboard here in Freiburg, Germany that yesterday (16 June) was introduction day for the Toyota Yaris Hybrid. Is this the same car being sold in the US as the Prius c? If so, why does Toyota have two different branding strategies for their small hybrid? If not, why does Toyota have two small hybrids? (Not to complain, just wondering . . .)
They use the same drivetrain but different bodies. The fundamental reason that Europe gets a Yaris hybrid is because there is already a Yaris plant, in Valenciennes, France so it's more profitable. The USA imports the Yaris from Japan. To add to there is neither the confidence nor cachet in hybrids and there's less of a perceived advantage to Japanese manufacturing.
Here's the link to the Yaris part of the official Toyota German website: Toyota Yaris Galerie. Einfach genial. Here's a German magazine article with a picture: Sparprogramm für den Stadtverkehr (Vorabbericht): Toyota Yaris Hybrid - Nachrichten Motor - News (Spotpress) - WELT ONLINE
Here a link to a thread by a French Yaris Hybrid owner, Ian51, with plenty of great pictures. French and German versions are nearly identical. The official Yaris Hybrid topic on this Forum is also full of pictures and information. It is going at least as fast as the Prius C Main Forum here, and the people are simply enthousiastic. Great cars, the Yaris Hybrid and Prius C. By the way, from next year on, in May, the French factory will also build the Yaris cars destined to the North American markets. Jan
Very neat! Thanks for sharing. As I was looking at the photos, I realized how funny it is that a non-digital display now seems so out of place to me (after having one for only three months!) The rest of the car looks really nice, but that just makes me think of my old clunker, even though I know it's still very common.
As indeed most people. I in the mean time prefer the digital display à la Prius C or 3 FL. It's also because of my sight (age related). One really has interest to keep an eye on the Hybrid System Indicator (HSI), which is the most useful indicator in the Yaris Hybrid, since P&G with pedal control is nearly impossible. The state of the ICE is indicated by the EV LED being "off" or "on". I don't know whether most people realize that it has a totally diffrent function in the Yaris Hybrid, then in the Prius. In the latter, it merely is an indicator you forced EV mode. In the Yaris Hybrid, it indicates the ICE is off, also during decelarations and braking, beside regular EV driving (go cart mode). It is therefore not equivalent to "EV driving". A clever marketing trick to make you believe it does, in fact. Jan
^I'm not sure I understand the difference you're trying to point out...? It sounds the same to me. Could you explain further?
OK, I see I should do better! I hope I succeed better this time. So far, the EV mode meanth the HSD system uses energy provided by the HT-battery to power the MG2 to move the car, without the help of the ICE (all arrows going from the battery to electric motor and wheels). In thePrius 2, the EV indicator "On" means you forced EV mode by pressing the EV button (if your car has this, in Europe, it is the case). The HSD system moves the car using the MG2 at slow speeds and moderate pedal depression. It is not very useful, except in certain situations. In the Yaris Hybrid, the EV indicator "On" indicates the ICE is shut down. This is the case 1. while recovering energy while slowing down and during regenerative braking (arrows going into the battery), and 2. in "go cart mode", during which the HSD system moves the car using the MG2 (arrows go from the battery to electric motor and wheels, also possible at higher speeds). EV "on" is therefore not equivalent to that of the Prius 2, and especially in stop and go traffic, the proportion "On"/"Off" will be higher, giving the impression the car drives more often and over longer distances in EV mode. I am not sure people realize this. Generally speaking, there is a lot of confusion and hype about "hybrid cars driving electrically" over say "2 km at 50 km/h", and that is "underwhelminng". In fact, hybrid means a computer is combining to the best efficiency the power of two engines, whereby, most importantly, energy can be regenerated from slowing down and braking for powering the electric motors MG1 & 2. But that is too complex for daily use. Is it clearer now? Does the Prius C also have the EV indicator ? Jan
This may be because the Yaris uses an analog setup, with the digital displays in the Prii you have other indicators that tell you when the ICE is off and you're running on the battery, like the iMPG bar next to the speedometer in the 2010 I have. With analog using the EV light is the only way to show that.
It sure is a nice sub-compact! Next time I'll be in the States, I will try and rent a Prius C, to see and feel the differences.
to bump this. the yaris does shutdown the ICE a lot more then the prius i noticed ( or it seemd ) during a test drive i made i wonder with the smaller battery and this ice more off function will it have a negative impact on the battery? less cells to have a lower voltage also mean less KWH to drive and i also notived that the EV mode kicks off sooner then with prius its somethimes even hard to keep it in EV mode. where with the prius you could press the gas pedal hard before the ice would kickin.
That link is to the Toyota website. Don't see anything about renting cars? Are you saying Toyota dealers rent out cars? The German Yaris Hybrid looks almost the same as the gas powered Yaris in the USA.
This thread is so so old. It's probably not even worth commenting on the early posts (eg. it should be fairly obvious now that the Prius c has an EV Mode indicator and an EV indicator with their respective meanings). Are you comparing the Yaris Hybrid to a Prius or to a Prius c? Either way... the Yaris Hybrid and the Prius c are definitely not the same car in a different shell, even if all three share a lot of common ground.
compared to the prius yes! and keeping it in EV mode is almost impossible unless you have everyone passeng you. i the prius you could keep in evmode even with hard acceleration but with the yaris even a small amount of more gas pedal movement and the ice will start.
I find the c quite predictable in its use of EV - it's not hard to induce it into turning off the ICE if that's what I want. Most of the time the standard lift off the pedal will turn the ICE off and generally if you stay below the middle line of the ECO area on the HSI, the ICE will not normally come on. Lifting off the pedal and slightly reapplying it works fine, as it does in the Prius. Then you just stay below the middle line. There are exceptions to this rule. but assuming the ICE is warmed up and the SoC is in a reasonable state, it will hold true the majority of the time. This said, it's not generally a good idea to deliberately restrict yourself to try to increase EV use... driving around with the HSI just below the middle mark all the time is not going to be efficient.