We (two adults, one dog) put out one small bag of garbage every week. Recycling alternates weeks, but the municipality does not provide containers. Week 1 Plastic Glass Metal (must be in blue bags) Week 2 Paper Cardboard Newspapers Magazines/Catalogues (must be bundled or in clear bags) We also compost must of our garbage for use in the gardens (flowers, veggies, and berries) every spring.
Speaking from an overall environmental prospective, there’s plenty one can do besides recycling to better our world. Here’s a biggie…. Plant species native to your corner of the world and rid your property of non native species, especially the aggressive kind that are pushing natives out of our prairies, wetlands and woods. There are plenty of links to “growing nativeâ€. Even the EPA dedicates a page outlining the benefits (many, many benefits). Plant as many butterfly and moth larval native food plants in your yard as possible (they typically lay their eggs only on a few species and in some cases only one type of plant as is the case with the Monarch). Without the larval food plants, no more butterflies or moths. I’m a huge advocate of this and have seen the benefits firsthand. My yard went from an Earwig infestation to attracting Warblers, Bats, Butterflies. Yard grass????….useless and wasteful.
Ah, didn't realize the '11' was another clue to the movie. I know spinal tap well but don't recall the transom bit. What scene is that in? Perhaps with more recycling we can "Tap into America"!
Resurrecting due to the flux of Gen III owners.... I drive our recyclables to our recycling center. Glad to use the Prius now that it's a little greener to drive them to their destination. Our contracted trash service charges an extra $9 a month for recycling pick-up. =( Thank goodness the Air Force base provides huge receptacles in the parking lot of the commissary. The base accepts all plastics in addition to all paper, glass and metal (tires, paint, oils, etc...) They are usually very full and emptied frequently. I can only hope they are really being recycled. When I lived in FL I used to see the trash truck sometimes collect recyclables for the landfill..made me so mad. Did you know the commissary has huge red worm composting bins for the daily fruit and vegetable/produce waste? I think they have about 600,000 worms. The soil is free for your garden. How great is that?
There are no recycling places (other than aluminum cans) for at least 2 hours south of me or 2.5 hours north of me. I have signed up to help start recycling in my town, but it seems very hard to get started.
Hey, look! A recycled thread! Started by the dearly departed Jack Kelly, no less, and featuring a surprising number of posters who aren't active here anymore. Our local recycling has changed somewhat, in that we now have large bins for garbage and green waste that are collected every week. There's been a significant shift in the community since this started, and far less garbage goes to the landfill. Our garbage bin gets set out maybe once a month. The green waste bin is huge, and I've now diverted our household compost to it, along with yard clippings, and the big pile in the corner is slowly getting smaller.