Last winter I found a way to disconnect the TC so I could make it up my contentious driveway. Basically turn the car on (w/o starting), gas pedal to the floor 3 times, put it in Neutral, gas pedal to floor 3 times, then back in Park, gas pedal to floor 3 times. The system would reset itself after ignition was turned off. Never had a single issue doing this. Tried it yesterday and the car refused to go into Neutral (unless car was running). Any ideas on what I can try to restore this procedure? thanks, scott
I doubt your car has ever gone in N without the car being Ready! It should have to be in Ready before moving out of Park.
As I'm sure you're aware, you can turn the Prius "on" without starting it. It was in that mode when I would go through that procedure every time and the dash indicator would move from P to N and back to P. Did it at least 25 times. Now it won't give me N and I do get a message about the "Park lock not working so make sure to use the parking brake". I am mindful of the reasons why Toyota doesn't want anyone disabling the TC (over spinning your tires would be really bad and could fry something), but the stock TC is a hinderance to those of us with snowy uphill driveways!
I believe you are referring to IG-ON mode (entered by pressing the Power button twice without pressing the brake pedal). In this mode, the car is not "Ready" (the hybrid system is not engaged), but I do believe you can go into Neutral. This procedure for disabling the TC system is news to me. Good to know!
Somewhat similar to Inspection mode which forces the engine on and removes TC. It then displays message on the MFD that driving the car without TC will damage the car.. Be aware when in accessory or ignition your running on the little 12 volt battery alone. A marginal or original battery now in the cold is probably ready to give up the ghost. You'll know the 12 volt is getting real bad or sagging under load as the dash will throw a red exclamation point in a triangle upon boot up. Its to the left of the seat belt bulb on the dash. It comes on along with all the other lights in bulb check. Does not log a dtc either. Only pops up on READY boot up. Next stop is you by the side of the road dead. You seem to be good at the button pushes so this one will be easy for you. Please report the second step the load number: Weird stuff happening? MPGs dropping? Test The Battery | PriusChat Also if your bypassing TC it will allow over rev of the mg as you noted. This is very hard on the transmission especially the windings. I would greatly increase my trans fluid and Inverter coolant OCI to protect both the trans and Inverter. Probably every 20,000 miles. Most of us here do a 30-60,000 mile OCI. Your doing things the car was not designed to do. In fact I would have the trans fluid tested to see how much wear is already accumulated on your first change. Just collect about a pint in a seal able screw cap plastic jar and send to: and they will do a complete analysis for $25. including TAN. Post back here and add it to Trans Fluid Draft sticky. The trans is very expensive and worth a little extra effort to protect it especially if your super duty use like you. If trans fails and you have no resources and are forced to use a dealer it will be ridiculous how much they want. Like $5000.