Hi everyone, I apologize in advance if this question has been asked before, but I didn't see too much on comparisons between the regular Prius and the Prius c. I test drove the 2013 Prius Two along with the 2013 Prius c Two a few weeks ago and I've been trying to decide which to buy. On one hand, I like that the Prius c is smaller (better for parallel parking), better rearview sight, better city driving, and cheaper. But the Prius has more space and is still a good city driving car (although maybe not quite as good as the c), quieter ride, a little bit better driving and nicer interior. I also like the Prius c color of Blue Streak Metallic which isn't available in the Prius. I'm trying to decide between the two and was wondering if anyone here had some insight. This is the first car that I'm purchasing new. I'm also in the military and will be stationed in Hawaii next year, which will involve mainly short drives, some in the city, but also some in mountain areas. This will only be for two years though and I'm not sure where I will be after that. Most of my driving is also done alone, but it is nice to have slightly more room just in case. I've gone back and forth the past two weeks trying to make up my mind, so if anyone has any insight, I'd appreciate it! Thanks in advance!
I own a 2011 Gen3 Prius 2 (for two-and-a-half years) and a 2013 Prius C (for 4 months). They are both great cars. You can't go wrong with either one. The C has the advantage of smaller size, better handling, better fuel economy in suburban driving, and lower purchase price. I think it is more fun to drive. The Gen3 seems to give me better fuel economy and acceleration on the highway, and has lower interior noise. I would prefer it on a long cross-country trip. I average well over 50 mpg with each. Owning and driving both cars, I can't say I like one better than the other. So I'm not surprised that you are undecided before buying. In your situation, I probably would make the decision in favor of the Prius C based on the lower purchase price and fun factor.
You do not sound like you have children or large pets so the limited rear passenger/cargo area does not sound like a drawback for you. the Liftgate will be a better highway tourer, but you are moving to an island, so that is not a deal breaker either. You may be ideal for a c.
Prius c is more compact. Prius c gets better city fuel economy. Prius c is less expensive. Prius c has prettier color options. That's all that mattered to me. Other: Prius c has a nice-looking gear shift.
There may be limits on the map, radio, etc in Hawaii so might want to research that before you decide. I've seen cars where some options weren't available there.
Personally I wouldn't put any weight on the navigation system. We just got a 2013 Prius plug in and the navigation system is VERY low tech. if you have a smartphone you will use that. Our Nav. app seems like 10 year old technology. Not user friendly like you would be used to on smartphones. The Bluetooth for making phone calls is excellent!