B Roberts may have you beat Finally got other ins to take liability today so I have an appointment with their appraiser tomorrow. I mentioned diminished value & it was added to the notes for their appraiser. I took the next available appointment at the body shop I want to use on the 16th of December so more waiting.
Ding Ding Ding... $954.77 plus taxes is the initial check. This falls right inline with the two estimates I got on my own. They will work out additional if anything else is found plus pay for a rental while mine is in the shop. I have to arrange to meet with a 'senior' adjustor once repaired to look at the demininshed value piece.
I was way off but I always think in the negative way. But if it was out of your pocket it would of been $2,000
Sagebrush.. Here's those Kudos I promised... They did the job for Nationwide's estimate and didn't find any other surprises. It's been a busy day so I don't have any daytime pics but I'm pretty happy with the work. I asked the body shop guy to see if they could fit it in for it's scheduled service while it was in there. When I got there I had to pay the body shop, then drop their rental, and visit the service dept to take care of that bill. The poor girl in service couldn't find the bill since it didn't come through a service writer. She grabs the service manager who tracked it down. When he came back he simply handed me the bill and said Merry Christmas I took care of it. Now that's how you earn a future customer!
You know, you actually got off easy. Kudos to the person who hit you! Grew a pair, manned up, or womanized in this case, and did the right thing. I hope you let her know, in a nice way how much you thank her for doing this! What's really sad that this type of occurrence usually does not have this happy ending, people suck, and it's starting to show. But not all is lost I see! That is refreshing, sorry it had to happen, but it will be fine! .
Agree !!! Mine, also blue 2012, was hit right front bumper really hard in the companies parking garage. First day at work with the new car had less than 100 miles on it. Security tried to see the tapes but turns out only the in/out ramps and the areas around exits are fully covered. Noone came forward had to use my own insurance to repair full bumper was changed plus paint blend etc, $1200 plus the rental car deductible $200 not too bad. But would be happier if the person who hit it would 'man' up. I have some pictures ... will post if I find them.