When working in Maryland in the college park area, I had to drive through a camera-fitted red light that did the automatic tickets. Not only did I witness one car ahead of me stop at the red light, then creep through the intersection, then drive off, successfully driving through the red light without getting a ticket - but also at that same intersection, I was ticketed for stopping hard at the red light on a rainy day. My car was maybe 2/3s over the stop line, at most. The two pictures on the ticket even clearly show that if I had "run" the light, I would've plowed into a left turning vehicle. I of course never paid the ticket. Needless to say, I don't get along well with them cameras. -m.
There was an intersection not too far from me where they were testing the next generation. In addition to the photos and automatic tickets, it would also record an MPEG of you running the light for use in court if need be. Also, if it did detect a signal runner, it would delay the green light to reduce the likelihood of a collision. It isn't there anymore, don't know why.
It's obvious that the rude/idot factor has risen to new heights these days. Driving in SoCal all my life, its apparent that folks really don't care if they're putting themselves along with countless others, at risk while they make stupid manuvers. What ever happened to terms like "Defensive Driving" and "Courteous Driving?" I can't count how many times I've run into some idot who could have made a safe manuever by simply slowing down instead of hammering on the gas! Its amazing how many times, these idots are oblivious to the apparent danger they're putting eveyone in as they're yack'n away on their cell's. :x
and then they yell at me because their insurance costs a fortune after a few accidents and tickets...
You're lucky guy. Be careful around new moon. All people (especially unstable ones) are over-exited. You don't have good brakes on any cars in US anyway.
While we're discussing stupid drivers, I should mention a disturbing trend I've noticed here in my town. Lately quite a few people have "wised up" as to how the leading green left-turn traffic light works. Sensors in the left turn lane detects how many cars are in that lane is by sensing if there's a car sitting a certain distance from the light. If a car is there, the lane gets a leading green. If not, then oncoming traffic is given the green light and left-turners must yield. Well, these geniuses are stopping their cars way back from the line when they're the first to reach the red light, trying to fool the sensors into thinking the line is long enough to justify a leading green. That irks me to no end that people can be so selfish as to hold up an entire line of traffic in the other lane just so they can drive their one car through a leading green. GOD I HATE PEOPLE! Ahh, that felt better.
I actually really detest the cameras too. They'd be much more tolerable if they were accompanied by the new crosswalk signals, with a countdown from Walk to Do Not Walk. That way, the driver knows exactly how long s/he has before the ajoining traffic light will turn yellow. Without that, those cameras make driving around certain intersections incredibly nerve racking.
Here in Fargo we get a leading green arrow even if there's only one car waiting in the left-turn lane. I can imagine it must be frustrating to have to wait several signal cycles to turn left just because you are the only one waiting, or there are "not enough" cars waiting.