Yeah, right, he was just the passenger while the driver ran off... Pictures: There's a lot of buzz in the news on this
I wonder what you could buy the wreck for? If you had it crushed into a cube and put a glass top on it, it would make a cool table.
You can bet your arse that if I total some dude's Enzo, I'm making a break for it. Forget the police, I'm afraid of the owner.
I'm sure that can be pounded out [Broken External Image]:
wow.. can i have what's left of that engine? lol That really really sucks seeing the enzo is an invite only car. You have to own about 6 other farraris in order to be envited to buy the enzo.. *shrug*... I wonder if he'll get another enzo?.. lol
Makes me proud to be a Swede [The dude NOT driving is Swedish and is making the tabloid headlines in Sweden).