Personally, I've never cared much about cars. It didn't make sense to me how people could fall in love with their vehicles. To me, a car was just something to get from point A to point B... until I bought a Prius c. I LOVE THIS CAR! It's everything I've ever wanted in a vehicle. It's small, maneuverable, easy to park, has great A/C, and incredible mpg. My previous car was a black Corolla LE. Big mistake! It was always boiling hot. This time I got a super-white with the maximum legal window tint in California. It feels so great going from the Corolla to the Prius. It's like screwing everything up in a previous life, and then making all the right choices in this one. On the downside, ironically all the money I'm saving on gas is going into car washes because I want my girl to look good.
LOL I know what you mean, except that I did do some mods to myHonda Fit when I got it, but other than floor mats, window visors (WHICH I CAN'T FIND) I'm pretty much leaving this one alone. That could always change though. My husband asked a few minutes ago if I was going to paint the wheels pink and put a 'hello kitty' on it. NOOO!! But I have a new idea for a decal, ready for this? Goodbye kitty with a pic of the back haunches, the asterisk pie hole and a tail straight up. No, I won't really do that.
Congrats!! But carwashes? Really?? Wait until the hand wash with purified water people find out. But I know what you mean - I finally washed and threw some Klasse on mine after months of neglect. I feel so much better now - no really....
Loving my car is such a new and bizarre sensation lol. I actually like driving now! I suddenly want to go to all sorts of faraway touristy destinations.
Congrats on the buy. Looks great. At times I regret not going with the Moonglow color (I'm aware yours is white). We were spending that much money for a car already, but couldn't justify at the time the cost for Moonglow. In any event, welcome! I too love my car, and look forward to driving now. Even in the Chicago area.
I got the Blue Streak Metallic. It was love at first site. I live about 1/2 mile away from a Toyota dealership, and whenever I'm driving my Prius around the neighborhood, I get courtesy waves from (I suspect) people test driving the Prius C. I've also found myself taking weekend road trips to local jaunts in my state (Washington). So far, I've been to a little coastal fishing town called Westport, Roslyn (where the TV series Northern Exposure was filmed), San Juan Island, Olympia, etc.
Congrats on your Blue Streak Metallic. I would have gotten the same except my wife's Fit is almost the same shade of blue. Sadly - no one waves at me. However - in our area - Manoa Valley above the University of Hawaii I've seen a bunch of Prius Cs and Prius v(s). The funny part is three or four of the Cs are Summer Rain like mine. The first few times I got panicky when, walking my dog, a Summer Rain C would zip by me. Thought someone had stolen my car.
Blue Streak Metallic is a beautiful color. I know, I have one. Better than the (whatever) shade of blue on the Gen II.
I used to wash mine pretty religiously when she was new. I've got a bit slack lately, partly due to a run of dry weather, but last week I did a full hand wash at home and boy did it feel good to see her shining again. Except then I drove interstate over the weekend and first I went through heavy rain that messed everything up, plus now she's covered in dead bugs, so needs a wash again.
I hate that!!! So many times, I've washed my car (before PC) and then my husband would drive us somewhere and use the window washer. AAAAAKKKKK!!! I'd ask him why (since the car and windshield was clean) and he'd say he saw a speck of of something.......
I have an even worse first world problem. Mine has headlight washers, which have got to be amongst the most useless things ever invented... all they do is spray washer fluid over the headlights, with overspray going up onto the hood. They are activated either by a uselessly large button next to the rear view mirror controls OR if you make the mistake of using your washers while the headlights are on. Once you've made this error, you know there are going to be spots all over the front of the car.
Yeah, I have the same problem with computers; just can't understand how people get so attached them. They're just big dictionaries for crying out loud and I helped develop them. Howcan people get so wrapped up in computers; you'd think they think they're some kind of magic.
Congrats and I felt the exact same. In a lifetime of just horrible decisions buying my prius c has been one of my best. I love driving again for the first time since I was 16. Plus I keep it clean and have lost weight just to get better gas mileage!
Same here... I always thought of my car as a tool needed to get to work or other places, but I am now in love with my Prius C, I'm looking at every website to see ideas of how to make it more mine (decals, mods, etc), and I'm even thinking of visiting my local Prius club (if I can ever find it) to see what everyone has done to their cars and get ideas. It's good to know that I am not the only one with this feeling!