The word issue is in quotes because I'm not sure if it is or not... I got new wheels from a guy on eBay. He had TPMS sensors on them and used them on his Prius C without any TPMS problems. I mounted them today. I've driven the car several times BUT the TPMS warning light hasn't come on and stayed lit. I had expected that it would light because I never had the sensor IDs loaded into the car. The warning light does light after starting and stays lit for a few seconds, then turns off, like normal. I'm happy that it isn't lit, but now I'm wondering if there's a problem with the system. Does anyone know if it will take a few more driving cycles or should I have expected it to come on immediately? Or maybe Toyota has gone the VW route and lets the system read and store the IDs on its own?
Yes, that's what I understand. So until they're calibrated wouldn't it make sense that the warning light would come on since they're not being read? Wouldn't the computer think the ones that were removed are either missing, sending no signal, or flat and cause the warning light to come on?
I just put on my snow tires mounted on an extra set of wheels which do not have tpms sensors and I have the same result. No warning light on the dash. I have to say I am pleasantly surprised. I checked my owners manual and here is what is says. The tire pressure warning system will be disabled in the following conditions: (When the condition becomes normal, the system will work properly.) ●If tires not equipped with tire pressure warning valves and transmitters are used
Thanks for this. Yes, it's definitely a pleasant surprise but makes me wonder if the system ever worked correctly... I read the manual ( a couple of times) but must have missed that part. Could I trouble you to check it and tell me what page that's on? I'd like to read it in context.
We've got snows without sensors (different model, but). Just going from fuzzy memory, I think it can take a day or two, and maybe some distance, before the TPMS light comes on. But it does. And, sometimes it's steady, sometimes it's flashing. One factor might be that our regular tires are sitting right where we park, in the garage. So maybe it's finding, then loosing the tpms.
I'm guessing your car is reading the sensors sitting in the garage. The car doesn't know if the sensors are on the car or not. If they are close the car will "talk" to them. Then again, I could be wrong.
^ I've heard of someone who put his sensors in a pressurized cylinder, in the hatch. The things we do...
Your memory wasn't so fuzzy. I got my answer yesterday. It took three days for the light to come on, but it did. I guess they built in a buffer before the light is triggered.
Ha. My thoughts exactly! I am wondering if the buffer is just for a "sensor ID that's not reporting" so that the light gets triggered less frequently perhaps? Surely it's designed that if the sensor ID is reporting but there's an issue it would trigger immediately???
I'm thinking it's quick to report a sensor showing low pressure, but not so quick to report missing sensor. Just speculating. ^ Ah woops, more or less what you said.
Well, my pleasant surprise lasted 100 miles. Hit the road today to visit relatives for Thanksgiving. Low tire pressure blinked for maybe a mile then solid. This happened 100 miles from when I removed the tires with tpms sensors. Looks like I have to take my dash apart again to cover the low tire pressure idiot light. No big deal.
Why have a light on my dash when I don't have to? Start to finish, it only takes about half an hour to dispel my innocuous warning light.
UPDATE: Went to four different places for help in getting the new sensors learned to the car. 1. Tire place - their tool couldn't read the sensors in the new winter wheels, but then again it couldn't read the sensors in the factory installed ones either. 2. Toyota - "minimum one hour labor at $110" tuned him out after that. 3. Second tire place - looked at me like I had two heads - couldn't begin to understand what I was asking for. 4. Third tire place - knew what I was talking about, told me to go to the dealer. So after researching, I found a thread on ToyotaNation (mods - hope it's ok to reference other forums). Search for Toyotanation + DIY + TPMS + Programming. Luck123 did a a good write up of the Ateq tool. I was lucky that I had the sensor IDs from the original buyer. Bought the tool, followed the instructions and poof - done! I'm guessing that since our cars don't display the individual tire pressure for each wheel sensor location, it doesn't really matter if the sensor ID matches the location. I only knew the IDs, not the location they were installed, but it cleared anyway. What I learned: Toyota waaaay over complicated this and made it a total PITA to do winter wheels. If you install new wheel sensors, make sure you get the sensor IDs before the tires are mounted. If you buy a set with sensors installed, ask for the sensor IDs.