right but I am tring to figure out at what point it was in that window. Was it before it became green or after? Because it was before, let's say after being in the pool for like 1 week it might have some kind of strange hue
it could, see what you are missing from your story is that between orange and green stage there is a moment they come alive, just for a very short period of time but very shortly after that they turn green and have to go back to the pool
shhh! you don't want prius chatters not being able to sleep at night... imagine waking up to a purple baby screaming and clawing at your window *shudder*
mmm that could be a good question Question #8.5 "What is scarier? A purple zombie baby screaming and clawing at your window or a purple Windstring's avatar (keep in mind its only a head and its about 2 inches big) screaming and clawing at your window?"
if you put the first letter of my name to the right two places.. you get: la freak That's part of the scariness!
I have one for you too...from the old days. What's the difference between a truck load of bowling balls and a truck load of dead babies?
duck's have flat feet because God made a mistake just like the mistake he made on giraffes and monkeys. (they're so ugly...)