So, I filled up my Prius for the first time today since taking delivery. My onscreen computer said I only had 14 miles until empty. I filled up the tank and it stopped at 9.2 gallons. I let it sit for a second and pumped more gas into it and it stopped right away again. I let it go this time and it says it is full. I thought the tank is 11.9 gallons. Does it really tell me that early that I am almost out of gas? I ended up getting 45.6mpg with the first tank, but it had been test driven by a few people and already had about 60 miles on it when we took over. The computer said we averaged 51.5mpg. I'll get a more definitive number on this fillup.
I wanted to see when the gasoline dashboard light would come on, so I kept driving the car until the display said it had less than 30 miles left. The light never came on. I didn't want to run it down anymore, but when I filled it up, it only took a little less than 9 gallons, which meant that it still had almost 3 gallons left in the tank. I probably could have driven almost another 150 miles, but it's always better to not run a tank to almost empty, so I'm not complaining about it. It's not accurate, but at least now I know it.
i had the same experience with my first couple of fill ups. whenever your gauge reads means you have one more gallon left. this is from my multiple fill ups experience. so if youve been averaging 48 mpg per your dashboard...i would suggest that its safe to know that youre only actually averaging only 45 mpg. i always find that it is about almost 3 mpg off. with youre 11.9 capacity, even averaging a worst 43 should get a 480 range on every fill up. the gas meter would blink to let you know you got one gallon left. i also highly recommend using "fuelly" app on your phone at every fill up and get an accurate data over time. FYI ; i always fill as to know that i am not really on fumes until 475-480 miles range....even 500 max ! this is from my driving experience. yours might be different. hope this helps and welcome to the club
The miles to empty are rarely accurate on any car. The longer your drive it and more fill ups you do, the more you'll get to know your car and it's capacities Also, the mpg will improve over time aswell
Thanks a lot! What Fuelly app do I want? Is is the Gas Cubby one? I see everyone has that in their signature line. Is there a way to link mine to my profile?
A great rule of thumb (if you don't mind pushing your tank just a bit, but not that much) is to reset the tripometer upon filling. Then whenever your miles on that tank and MPG x10 on that tank equal each other, it is time to fill.
From the times I tried to push my tank, I found it's about 2 gallons left when my light starts blinking.
Same here. I drive 75 miles a day and had pushed the limit two times. With all highway miles on those to tanks, I had the last bar flashing and miles left at 0. I went another 40 miles. Filled up and only took 9.6 gallons. One time trip was 410 and other was 430 for tank. On another note. I drive south and north on highway. This last 2 weeks I have drove into both 35 mph wind. It really sucks the mpg down. Got about 35 mpg. Funny thing was when I was complaining to a friend about crappy gas millage (35 mpg). He frowned and said his truck gets 15 mpg all the time. Love my Prius
furthest I pushed my tank to was 506 miles. 10.75 gallons. So I could have got up to 540 range easily but I was about to cross a long bridge.. wasn't with it..
Pretty sure there is a 800 mile club if anyone is interested in checking it out for Gen3's. Those dudes are crazy over there though.
DTE (and fuel gauges in general) almost never indicate distance to empty. It usually means distance to 2 gallons left. That's true with just about any car. If they didn't do that us stupid drivers would constantly run out of gas.
800? I read 600.. they must be doing non stop closed course laps to get up to there.. I'm more than happy with my 500 mile tank. I'm sure everyone one has their limits to try and get better mpg.. in my case, I barely had to change my driving style to get 500 miles out of it.
I had several 700+ mile tanks on my Gen2, and one that cracked 750 miles. Normal, everyday driving Too soon to tell what range I can reach on my Gen3 PiP, especially going into winter.
Nice accomplishment but it is subjective to environment. The terrain and traffic speeds affect on MPG is substantial so his "usual" is probably very different from mine.
And was this is a PIP? "normal" and "everyday" driving seems to be a huge range in how that's defined.. I see it out on the road all the time..
haha, no. It was a regular Gen3. Totally agree with you that route, traffic, and tons of other factors can affect MPG. But lets not discount the hard work (and skill) that some people put into these attempts.
If I drove around town only, I would get hit 600 on a tank. But real life gets in my way. I do drive 65 on my 75 mile round trip for work and normally get 45 mpg.