So my Verizon Samsung S4 has no problem connecting automatically for both phone and audio streaming, and if I was playing via BT connection it will reconnect and resume playback. I'm currently running the latest Android 4.3 OS. Problem is, I can hear the playback speed, or pitch, constantly fluctuate! Is this something inherent in bluetooth technology? This happens whether I'm streaming Pandora or tracks on the Music Player app. This anomaly doesn't occur if I have the phone plugged into the Aux jack. It's not too distracting unless I'm concentrating on listening to the music, and I definitely like the fact that I don't have to plug in my phone every time I want to hear my own stuff. Any expert opinions out there?
My car does that if I don't launch the Entune App. Do you have it launched on your phone? I have the S4 - T-Mobile...
No I don't have the Entune app installed. Is that necessary on my 2010 III? I thought 2010 MY doesn't have Entune.
It must be your phone. My S4 running 4.2.2 works fine. None of my other devices connecting to the car, headphones, or speakers via Bluetooth have exhibited a problem like that either.
I'm beginning to think it might be Android 4.3 causing this. I don't recall noticing the poor playback before I "upgraded" the OS.
On my iPod, running on the usb port, certain bit rates play slower, but that is not every time. A good ear can hear it, others cant
I tried to see if my iPad would do the same thing, but I can't get it to pair as a "portable player." The fluctuation is REALLY noticeable when the car is off and I'm listening to my music. On the road, not so much.
I notice something similar with my iPhone occasionally; the music's pitch gets slightly lower. It's not something I expect anybody other than a musician would notice (my wife hasn't, anyway), and some day I intend to measure just how much, just for fun... In my case, it happens any time the phone wakes up to do something - so an incoming text message or E-mail, or if I press a button on it. After a few seconds of being awake, the pitch returns to normal. Since the phone doesn't wake very often unless it has to, this isn't something that's normally a problem for me.
Galaxy S3 running 4.3.1 (cyanogen 10.2) on my 12 PHV. I am happy that meta data sends the title artist info but every song seems to start loud and then reduce the volume within a second.
Sounds like something on your phone. Is there a setting to equalize volume between different songs? I know this has an option in iTunes and on iPhones/iPods ("Sound Check") for many years, so I'd expect you might have a similar option. Depending on how good their implementation is, it might take a moment of playback for it to kick in to reduce the song volume down to what it determines to be a "normal" level. At least, that's how my iPod from 2002 sometimes acts, from back when this was a major innovation...