Just installed my 2nd user enginer 4 kwh kit.

Discussion in 'Prius PHEV Plug-In Modifications' started by glyndwr, Dec 14, 2012.

  1. glyndwr

    glyndwr Member

    Jan 30, 2012
    South Wales, UK
    2004 Prius
    Hi George,

    I have had this a few times, sometimes the bms has a bad day and will decide to act up like a spoilt child. I wouldnt take too much attention to it to be honest.

    What i have found is that the 9 pin jst connectors going into the bms can be problematic, i do have to frequently switch off the bms abd unplu the jst connectors, plug them back in and switch the bms back on, then all is ok especially if i have gone over a sharp pot hole in the road or the road surface is bumpy.

    Some poeple have reported that the soldering on the base of the bms pcb on the jst connectors leaves alot to be desired, along with poor soldering on the in line fuses from each cell tap on the pcb, it is my intention when i get some time to myself to take out the bms, remove the pcb and touch up all bad joints on the board, it wont tale long i just need abit o time when im on my own at the house.
  2. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    im with you on that one, I do believe this system has some potential if done right thou it was never right, I don't like that bms one bit, you were kind enough to brief me on it but at best it is just a overcharge/discharge protection, and it even does not do that right, I thought bms stood for battery management system, this is not it.
    let me get this right:
    the charger output goes into it than further into the batteries, the converter is hooked directly to the batteries, so I guess this bms shuts it down through that phone wire and the 2 small leads, because the swich up front plugs directly into the converter, are there any diagrams on these components, I don't know much but I do get circuits, Enginer.us does not say much, honestly I am looking at acquiring another used pack to fix mine, I need a real bms, what else is there involved going the highvoltage route, while I'm at it I might as well build a 240v pack and do away with all this, I never understood how they do that, all that spoofing got me confused, I see you don't need the charger from that hymotion ( 220 in uk) I am almost inclined to sell the spares and go that route.
    that bms is coming off tonite, I believe you're onto something with those solder joints, I had turned it off and unplugged everything, it seemed fine for a minute, just checked on it and it is doing it again, I don't understand thou as it was doing it earlier the converter seemed to be running still, that being said I guess that is being fed back through those phone wires too, the display is fed into the bms so I can only see what it sees, not what the converter actually does
  3. glyndwr

    glyndwr Member

    Jan 30, 2012
    South Wales, UK
    2004 Prius
  4. Pedaler

    Pedaler New Member

    Sep 15, 2012
    2005 Prius
    Hi everyone,

    I hope I'm not inappropriate here, but I too have an enginer kit in my 2005 Prius. My immediate problem is that I got an error code (P0A92) and since the car is still under warranty I want to have the dealer repair it.

    I'm pretty sure they won't touch it with the kit installed, so I want to remove it. Is there anything I should particularly watch out for. I had it installed by Jack Chen, and it was advertised as plug and play, so I figure it should also be unplug and stop playing, right?

    Also, how can I disable the switch so that it won't look for EV mode any more?

    I know it's a lot to ask. I believe I can do the work carefully enough, but any tips will be appreciated.

  5. dan2l

    dan2l 2014 Prius v wagon

    Nov 26, 2009
    Vancouver Wasington
    2014 Prius v wagon
    Hello Pedaler,
    No, your Prius is fine. Do not take it to the dealer. Get a ScanGauge and clear the code.

    The problem is a known problem with the Enginer system. Your current level on the converter is set too high. On GenII Prius, you can not put too much current into the Prius. This current limit charges with various parameters, but generally it is at about 15a. Many people choose to let the current level run high but to turn the Enginer system off when the SOC of the Prius gets high or if they are driving at higher speeds.

    So what voltage and current level is your converter set for?

    Dan Lander
    dave77 likes this.
  6. glyndwr

    glyndwr Member

    Jan 30, 2012
    South Wales, UK
    2004 Prius

    I also have had this code a ew times, especially after runnin alitle too ong in ev mode and the main hv battery goes alittle low.

    I have noticed sometimes the charge bars on the display fall quite quickly as if the coloumb counting gets abit confused with the extra amps going in under its radar, and when it compensates it goes too low, thats what i think about this sometimes, not sure if it is whats happenin, just a thought, but mostly always when ive run a fair distance in ev mode.

    Anyhow, do as dan says and clear the code with a scanner, i probably have done this about 6 times since i`ve been rinning the kit.

    Thanks, Anthony.

  7. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    that's good to know, I am normally pretty good at setting stuff up thou I am a bit of a mess most times, if you read a few threads back thought I blew something up while at it, turns out all the videos I watched never paid much attention to that disconect,
    I haven't gotten much use out of mine since I did not like how the bateries were doing, figured I'll deal with it first rather than beat on it for nothing, I haven't gotten any trouble out of mine thou we're only talking about 3 charges, I can tell you thou my system was moderately set up at about 9 amps, and I don't care much to up it, mixed mode is good for me, I may tinker with it once I get my bateries sorted out.
    There are adjustments that can be easily made thou I am not one to speak of, I read about them there are plenty of threads, sound pretty straigh forward turn it down a bit at a time and see what it does.
    One thing I did notice installing mine, my god I had enough wires left to do another car and a half by the time I had my way with it, everything was unnecessarily long, only 1 connector was soldered, what was that about on 250v DC line?, 2 fell apart in my hand just looking at, I don't get the orange tape, and what looks like 24v ebike plugs to me, I done a bit better with it thou once I figure out some working issues, I am seriously considering rewireing this from scratch, not to talk smack but if the rest is just as well put together............ so help us.
    I do like the ghismo despite all this and my 5 kw converter seemed to do well for the tries I put it through, fudge it gets hot thou, I can't imagine running 15 amps through it, as it is I was debating bending some copper and liquid cool the bastard
    but hey what do I know, I'm a wrench, resistors........ I know about them, mosfets ? .......... now dont start cussing.
  8. Pedaler

    Pedaler New Member

    Sep 15, 2012
    2005 Prius
    Thanks, everyone for your help.

    Dan, I recognize your name from the enginer site forum. I really appreciate your expertise and your willingness to share it. Good advice is hard to come by locally (I'm in upstate NY).

    Excuse my ignorance, but I just looked at the converter and there is nowhere on it to show a setting. Where would I find the setting?

    Obviously I haven't changed it since Jack set it when he installed the kit. It seems pretty good most of the time; as others mentioned the code came up after a long drive in EV mode, so I could avoid that.

    Thanks again for your advice on clearing the code. I had sleepless nights with visions of a blown transmission or worse!
  9. glyndwr

    glyndwr Member

    Jan 30, 2012
    South Wales, UK
    2004 Prius
    Hi Pedaler,

    I have checked my convertor output with a DC clampmeter, and did find that the amps shown on the enginer device is quite accurate, as an example, my clampmeter when installed on the enginer converter output + cable showed 11.2 amps when the converter was running, and the enginer visual display was showing 11 amps, so close enoug to be accurate.

    Have a read on you device as to what the amps is reading when the converter is operating.

    The converter has 2 drilled holes in the top of the case, one adjusts the operating volts, the other adjusts the output amps.

    I would guess the EV mode journey is what tripped your code, i would not do anything other than clear the code and continue to run the enginer system as you have done thus far.

    I have also purchased a bluetooth OBD2 device that plugs into the vehicles diagnostic port, and then i use my android smartphone with the Torque pro APP to monitor the prius hv battery, along with to clear the codes when they arise, its a really good tool.

    Hope this helps, Anthony.

  10. Pedaler

    Pedaler New Member

    Sep 15, 2012
    2005 Prius
    Thanks Anthony.

    I don't see the drilled holes you speak of.

    I don't recall seeing the amps on the display, but I'll check again.
  11. glyndwr

    glyndwr Member

    Jan 30, 2012
    South Wales, UK
    2004 Prius
    Hi Pedaler,

    If you press the side button on the display, you will come to a display of Io, Ii, Vo Vi

    Io is amps out. it should be reading when on around the 10amps area,
    Ii will be reading around 55 amps,
    Vi will be about 50 to 52v (depending on the charge level of your pack at the time,
    Vo will be raising from about 210v to about 220v or above, depending on the operating output voltage set on the converter.

    Your converter will, or should have 2 small holes (about 5mm) drilled into the top cover, and directly under those holes are the turn pots for the adjustment of the operating voltage out, and the operating amps out.

    They are towards the output end of the converter top cover.

    If they are not drilled, then to adjust those turnpots you will have to remove the top cover, but beware and be safe, under there is live voltage, if unsure leave well alone, if its been operating ok, then leave the settings as they are.

    There is a chance, that if you do up the settings, the converter will run much hotter, and then may fail sooner due to the incresed operating temperature, electronic items hate heat, hotter they get, the less they live.

    Hope this helps.
  12. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    well I just now managed to aquire a used battery pack and this one is looking pretty decent, we'll see how it goes, had this thing since spring weing the car down for nothing
  13. glyndwr

    glyndwr Member

    Jan 30, 2012
    South Wales, UK
    2004 Prius
    try to protect the new pack by not overcharging them, and hopefully you will get good use out of them.
  14. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    yeah thats my new project, I was pretty dissapointed this spring after instaling the kit to find out the pack had issues, and althou I located a used one fairly quickly it took me this long to get it home, shipping those things is outrageous, thanks to Chan prius chat member and truckdriver I knew I managed to get them home, and after the first cycle they operate about as good as it gets, and I am told that they have mot been used much either, i'd hate to find out that by spring they are junk,
    so the the number to look for is 3.5v? how about discharge? it has been a while since I tinkered with this,
    also I read in other ev threads about turning down the amps towards the end of the charge, is there a way to do that with the engineer charger?
    I would really like to figure out a better managing sistem, I believe those minibms were the ultimate as far as shunting the full cells, the zepher I read about was pretty cool too, I have to look up the old stuff I dug up and look into it again
  15. glyndwr

    glyndwr Member

    Jan 30, 2012
    South Wales, UK
    2004 Prius
    Although I haven't seen other bms systems for the enginer kit, I have read that the pacific ev is a pretty much plug in and play system that works very well with the enginer kit. The enginer charger is just a bulk type charger so does not current limit to the end of charge.
    Hope you get it working as you would like.
  16. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    I know a bit about this stuff but not enough, so there is no hope of modding the engineer charger, I do have a lithium 48v charger from my ebike, I think its a 5 amp, thought about using it to top it off,
    if I remember corectly you were aiming for extended ev capabilities, and that enginer converter was the bottleneck, as for my purposes mixed driving is fine, just want to make sure it performs well and lasts a while, I remember reading about the paciffic ev bms, I think it was worth about $300 or so, come to think of may not be such a bad deal
  17. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    now what about low temperatures, the previous owner had a heating pad installed, I too park this car outside my garage is full of projects, I took the bateries inside last night, just as I got them temps are getting below freezing arround here.
    the pad I have is rated at 60w, now I wonder if that may not be too much if left on, or if I should have some sort of thermostat, I believe I have some old fishtank heaters, wonder if I could canibalise one of them for the electronics
  18. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    now why is it the balancing function is supposed to be off on the enginer bms? it does not work properly?
    and what is the controversy about the overcharge voltage? enginer is set at 3.8 rumor has it 3.6 is a better number,
    I read about the cell logs mod, is there a way to mod the original bms to cut off charge at 3.6v?
    I'm sure it is doable if one had the know how, I do not, but this I know like all circuits, there is a resistor of some sorts somewhere that is part of the endcharge circuit, if replaced wit a diferent value it should do the trick, where does one find some info on these bms units,
    guess I best sign up for the enginer forum
  19. glyndwr

    glyndwr Member

    Jan 30, 2012
    South Wales, UK
    2004 Prius
    I dont think itll make any difference asking the same on enginer forum, youll get the same answer as most o the expereienced users and installers of enginer systemns are also on here.

    When looking at the charge curve of a lifepo4 cell, there is very little energy gain beyond 3.5v, and if you visually monitor the voltage of your cells whilst charging you will notice the voltage rise very quickly after 3.5v to the cut off set point, where ever that is set.
    So, the logic is, if theres nothing to be gained by charging beyond 3.5v then why do so, for sure overcharge will damage the cells and shorten their life.
    If looking at all the cell manufacturers, they first started ending charge at 4.1v, then 3.8v then 3.65v now its generally accepted that 3.5v is the target fot full capacity. I am sure they all have had major issues with warranty claims hence the reudction in the high voltage cut off.
    Additionally, the life cycles acheived is based on the depth of discharge, so, most say use 80% DOD and you should acheive 2000 cycles, but run at 70% DOD and you may acheive 5000 cycles, so it makes more sense to charge and cut off inside the recommended settings and you should get many more years use out of them.

    The enginer charger charges to 3.8v, too high, damage does occur. The BMS is advised to run in the off position as it was responsible for damaging cells. Thats whhy many other users went their own way, either cell loggers, pacific ev, mini bms, but you should try to do something, otherwise you probably will get some defects soon.

    As far as i am aware there is no way to reduce the cut off set ponjts of the engiber bms, many other users, including myself have askd the same questions, hence why i went the cell log route and set my points to HVC 3.5v and LVC 2.8v.

    Hope this helps.
    2007blueprius likes this.
  20. 2007blueprius

    2007blueprius Member

    Dec 26, 2012
    2007 Prius
    I do remember many of your tips this spring and as always apreciate your input, I think I will leave this pack in the house for a minute untill I figure out which route to take, these bateries are not just expensive but hard to come by and I do not plan on looking for replacements any time soon, I ran them briefly and as far as lvc, couple cells bearly went under 3 v yet the display showed there is very little capacity left.
    now what would 100 % dod be considered? 3.8v to 2.8v? would you consider 3.5 to 2.8 70%? what does the enginer bms lvc set at?
    I honestly do not need the whole 4 kw for my routine so 80% WOULD BE FINE, also besides lvc and hvc I would like to have some sort of active balancing, I know you mentioned manual balancing every so often does the trick guess I have not had enough experience with it, I do however for some reason feel rather good about top balancing, I like the Idea of having every discharge cycle start with every block at the same voltage.
    I was reading through your cell log adventures but that is only a LVC HVC protection, no balancing, I also read that since these cell are charged at a 0.2 C rate 3.8 v cutoff makes it even worse,
    to the best of my knowledge the mini bms is the best route to go , bit pricy but you get what you pay for I guess, at the same time if I keep frying cells does not do me any favors either.
    what would be a best aproach ? quality wise, say money is not that big of an issue