Hi all, asking those that are using the junsi cell loggers to monitor thier phev packs, I am gong to use 10 cell loggers to monitor my phev battery arrangement. What i have got is 7 cells to make 1 block, then 10 blocks in total. The blocks will be connected by anderson connectors so if i get a fault with 1 block i can isloate it and remove it easily. What i am going to do is connect 1 cell logger per block, so is this the right way to wire it, i am going to go cell 1 -ve, 2-ve, 3-ve, 4-ve, 5-ve, 6-ve, 7-ve, 7+ve. Is this the correct way to do it without burning up the cell logger, obviously channel 8 on the cell logger will not be used. Although i am currently using cell loggers on my enginer kit, the actual connections to the battery are in the enclosed battery steel shell, dont want to open that up just to see. Thanks very much for your help. I am going to use the cell loggers with high and low voltage alarms set to relays to trigger the charge and discharge, then use something like the JLD404 intelligent meter as an additional monitor with relays as back up cut offs for total pack voltage in case an error occurs one one of the cell loggers in use. What are your thoughts on this type of set up? I dont want to rely on auto BMS systems and balancing, cant say i trust them too much, i`d rather monitor myself and manual balance as and when the cells require it. Thanks very much for your input. best regards, Anthony.
sorry I have been out of touch this long, I am not familiar whith these cell logs, I am now reading through what you have done with them but I have taken one of those engineer packs apart and posted pictures of it, those were blocks of 4 in paralel, 8 of these blocks in series and the monitoring leads were hooked starting at one end of the series, through every block connection to the other end so I do believe you are on the right track. what are you up to these days? are you building that 220v pack and doing away with the converter?
I have now sold the enginer kit, and got a pack with 76 cells in series, I will probably trim that back to cells once I have completed the run in and commission stage. The pack is in the car, I got the charger last week, and have completed 3 cycles, I have got 2 weaker cells that I will change tomorrow, but all looks pretty good. I have still got the cell logger control circuit to complete, nearly there though, by tomorrow should be nearly finished.
do you have a thread on that? is this a custom made or have you used those electronics you got from california? what was it a PIS?
Hey, it is a PIS kit that i got off here form the USA. Also got a zivan charger frnt he staes too, difficult to get that kind of stuff in the uk. I picked up used 35ah cells in the uk reasonably priced, i couldnt afford new cells had to settle for used, there are a few that are weaker hence got to change 2, thankfully i also got about 30 spares. The car is running ok, i do use the ICE KILL mode to stop the engine running, this gives me total EV up to 48mph, i`ve used it most of the week in ice kill mode with good effects, haveny used any fuel at all, but my journeys are less than 10 miles so within my range, i think if new my cells would be close to 8kwh, but as used and form the info alrrady gathered from the 3 cycles already charged / discharged, more to about 6.5kwh, and thats charging to 3.5v and discharging to 2.8v, i`m pleased with that.