Or are Taxi firms the main users of Prii? Wherever I walk in the centre of Nottingham (which is a small compact UK city), 9 out of every 10 Prii that I see are taxis! When will the joe in the street catch on?
In your area, what vehicles will the "Joe in the street" typically drive now? I assume those cars will produce at least reasonable fuel economy given the very high fuel prices in Europe...
There was a big switch towards diesel cars a few years back as the price per gallon was a lot cheaper than gas with higher miles per gallon. Of course, the UK government seeing a chance to get more revenue, started to increase the cost of diesel (perhaps hoping no one would notice!) so it is now more expensive than gas! Hybrids are at long last catching on as are "stop and start" vehicles.
I do not know why but manufacturers including Toyota do not seem to advertise hybrids well in the UK. They may mention the car is a hybrid in a TV add, but add no other detail such as fuel consumption. While many of the motoring public know of them, few comparatively understand what they are and what they are capable of. Many that do have the basics are afraid of the technology including battery life, in a large part due to "Top Gear tv program and Jeramy Clarkson". In the London area uptake has been much faster because of the large charges "£10 a day" for taking a car into the city, the Prius is free of this charge thus saving £50 for a working week, or £2500 per year plus fuel savings and no yearly road tax fee "average around £180". There are also substantial tax savings for company car users. John (Britprius)
In the US, diesel cars have a lingering image problem which stems from the 1980's when General Motors tacked on diesel fuel injection hardware and special heads on the basic gasoline engine block. Those engines were produced in both V8 and V6 designs. Since the block had not been designed for the higher pressures and stresses associated with normal diesel engine high compression operation, the GM diesel engines offered poor performance and a short service life. Oldsmobile Diesel engine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Currently, VW and Mercedes-Benz are the major passenger car manufacturers offering diesel engine choices in the US.
John, considerable savings indeed if you live in London! As regards public knowledge of the Prius, I have to admit to an initial high level of concern re the HV battery when considering buying one. However, as I get to learn more and get to grips with the car, those concerns have melted away. By the way, I am getting over 56mpg, incredible!
If your impressed now wait till the weather warms up next summer and you regularly start getting 60 or 65 mpg. Early this summer I did a round trip of 180 miles. Country roads "where I live" motorway and "A" roads returning 74 mpg. John (Britprius)
All things considered it depends on whether you buy it new or used, where you live can determine the price of gas ( there are some big variations here), your driving style, your age, number of miles you have to drive to work etc etc. For me, having recently gone into semi retirement, I will not be doing too many miles but there will be the odd road trip to Spain. Already I have saved £230 on car tax, £150 on insurance for the first year alone! Based on covering say 10K miles pa, I reckon I'll save c£2200 compared with my old E320 diesel Merc. A first year total saving of £2580 and at say 1.58 US to the £ that's 4076 dollars - worth the effort I think! The car cost me £5795 = 9156 US. Payback in under 2.5 years.
Here in Dublin its mainly regular Joes drive them. They are used as Taxis, but not very popular. There is one Leaf and I spotted a PIP today, both as taxis
what about other incentives? environment, oil imports, renewable energy, government tax incentives and etc.?