he greenercars environmentalist website ranks all cars cleanliness (from factory to disposal). They list the Prius ICE-based car every bit as efficient/clean as an EV. They also rank the new diesels (designed to run on sulfur-free fuel) as being only a few percent less clean than the Prius & other hybrids: 55 Prius, Civic hybrid 51 Fusion hybrid 47 Jetta TDI, Audi A3, Gulf TDI 46 Beetle TDI, Passat TDI Out of 100 max score. The cleanest cars ever made (according to greenercars) were the ICE-based Civic CNG, and the 70 mpg Insight hybrid (both ranked 4% cleaner than the Prius or an EV)
Please don't compute percent difference when using an arbitrary number rating system. It is not valid.
Maybe it's because a lot of EV's essentially run on COAL or NUCLEAR power? When they come out with a diesel hybrid for the same price as a Prius I'll take a look. But anyway, I didn't buy a Prius because it was the most green. It's the most economical mid size car you can buy, (and it's green).