We just got our 06 #8 last week and want to permanently install our V1. Where is a good power source and how are the wires being routed. TIA, Brian
Well, there are the dome lights, so you know there's 12V running around up there somewhere. There's also the 12V powering the Homelink mirror. I think there's ample places to tap for your radar detector once you figure out how to get underneath the headliner. A bigger question -- do you really need your radar detector? Most Prius drivers who used to use detectors find them somewhat superfluous after driving their new Priuses for a short while. Old timers call it the "zen" of Prius ownership. It changes your driving habits.
LOL, I figured that would be a politically incorrect question in this forum. In my opinion its always a matter of degree. Let's all just give-up our cars, move to a location a few blocks from our jobs and start riding bicycles. Probably not. Our approach is to minimize our impact. We live small, have no children, use compact florescents, recycle, and drive fuel efficient vehicles, but driving slow makes us late for Yoga class. Thanks for the suggestions.
i would say run a new wire to the system.. maybe put in your own switch too. you could put in a little push button under the steering wheel. *shrug*... other sources are switched most of the time. *shrug* speeding ticket.. yeah.. it's possible.. luckly i only got a warning.
I have my radar detector permanently installed in a drawer in my closet Actually it is fairly old and I have not had a need for it for a long time, so it collects dust like a lot of things around here. I will share a thought or two with you, though. Unless your radar detector is well hidden, it is a magnet for thieves. I had one stolen years ago and replaced it. For convenience, I mounted one of those "permanent" mounts that was hard wired and simply slid the detector out and either locked it in the glove compartment or carried it into the house when I parked. This was not the Prius, but a previous mid-life crisis vehicle Anyway, one afternoon someone apparently noticed the $10 bracket and broke into the car, to the tune of about $1800 of damage. They did manage to steal the $10 plastic bracket, but were unable to find the radar detector in the locked glove compartment. Lucky me. Anyway, I doubt I ever saved a nickel on speeding tickets, because I haven't had a ticket in over 25 years now, but between the purchase of two radar detectors and the deductible for the damage...well, you get the picture. I am betting that you won't be speeding in this car as you have already shown that you are a more evolved driver than that by buying a Prius