Coming up on 5,000. Might do an oil change just because. YouTube indicates that the 2013 Prius has an internal filter (not a screw on cartridge like most cars/trucks have). Is this so? Do you have to buy a special Toyota tool or will an ordinary tool do the job?
Just buy the filter at the dealer. It is the paper cartridge portion only (plus a new o-ring for the housing), which goes in a reusable plastic housing. The housing in an odd size (64 mm iirc, instead of 65). There is a special tool, but you can use one of the variable size ones for cheap that clamp via springs. Sometimes I can get it off by hand, but don't count on it. The o-ring is in the box with the cartridge. As you loosen the housing, at some point it will drain some oil, so have your catch pan there. You can shut off the draining by tightening a quarter turn; it only drains at one point in the rotation. You'll also need a small screwdriver to tease open the 3 plastic clips that hold the access panel closed. Don't overextend the panel, especially in cold weather. Many have broken off. There are some good pictorials on this whole oil change procedure.
Oil Changes are FREE the first 2 years or 25,000 Miles which ever comes first. It's called ToyotaCare.
That's a heckuva good reason! If I had a new G3...that's when I'd do it. Same reason too. There's an inexpensive tool that Prius DIY'ers use to remove the canister housing, but since the search function on this site is about as functional and user friendly as the ACA.....I'll leave it up to somebody else to hyperlink that for you. Good Luck!! At least you will KNOW that the first oil change was done correctly, with the right oil, and that the filter WAS indeed changed. If you take time to mark the replacement filter? You'll know whether or not it was changed at the 10K point as well..... As far as what fluid they use? Well.....
Saw the video. Don't know why they went to an internal filter. Yes, it may be more ecological, but it's a lot easier (IMHO) to just have a standard screw on filter.
If you want inexpensive (cheap), this one fits well; If you want a lifetime wrench, this is the Toyota world standard; Toyota Lexus Chrome Oil Filter Wrench Tool 09228 06500 02 | eBay If the filter housing was installed at the factory and NEVER removed, do as I did, and mark the position with a white paint marker, so you'd NEVER need a torque wrench to retighten it to the proper torque. My favorite is this funnel from the Wedco branded oil drain kit. The wide funnel screws onto a standard anti-freeze or windshield washer fluid bottle. I used an old Go-Jo hand cleaner bottle, which is lower profile.
HOLY P.T. Barnum, BATMAN!! $57 bucks for an Oil Filter Wrench???!!! ...uh....I think I'll take the $5 unit.
Try your Toyota parts dept for the filter cap wrench. I found a nice one for $33 that has a ⅜" drive hole on the top. It also fits down over the filter housing and grabs the ribs on the sides.
Tried this one Lisle 54930 65 mm Flute End Cap: Automotive , don't work, just slips and won't turn the filter housing. It is a 65mm and the Prius filter is 64mm. This one from Amazon works.