I just installed Camry full power seat into my prius 08, big difference right away, just need to do all hookups, anybody knows where I can find good power (min 30A) somewhere inside the cabin with easy access? Best Mario
all. it's wider but fit, from the same year Camry Hybrid. I research air bag issue to be the same type, and connectors are the same, so i took a shot. Never tested it though -). We have such funny anecdote about this: in arm store: - do you bullet proof vests handle direct Kalashnikov shots ? - I believe so, because nobody come back to us with complaints... There is one extra "unknown" wire coming into original Camry seat power connector power, my research showed that it's not belong to air bag so I didn't worry about it. with other 2 power is fine. After install all panel indicators are fine. You can check some photos I started with: CamryGo some connection are in: CamryGo But of course you need to redo legs as they are won't fit to existing holes, actually in the bar you can see blocked holes which fit Camry seat, but I can't use them as they are just empty without nuts. So the project is not for everybody, includes: -1. Get MS in mechanical engineering (kidding), but it actually helps to see how it load it to be distributed in event of crash. Looking at original legs you can see that in such event it should absorb some energy and bend . 0. I used masking tape on middle console to mark original seat contours, in my case I want it lower, little bit further from steering wheel and "more" horizontal. Steps inludes: 1a. Bought Driver Seat from Camry hybrid 2008 in dismantle shop $150. 1b. Remove (drill out, grind out) 3 of 4 legs, they are fastened and welded 4 hrs 2. Do all fitting/measuring, I actually made a stand for original seat, with all wholes to make it easy. 10 hrs 3. Order new legs from your local Steel Works ($100) . Blue prints are ready. 4. Order Grade 8 bolts for legs 5. Go to you local body shop to weld 3 legs (which were already bolted) 6. Install it. 7. Connect DC, I'll snake wire from good terminal and connect it with fuse. During my work I listenedd a lot of legalez stuff which I hate, so I encourage all to drop it in this post, let's go technical . It's purely DYI project for joy, you run away from your wife and enjoy. I'm not sure how your insurance will look at it if something happaned, but I see that people bying aftermarket seats on ebay. Right now I have DC on cigarette lighter connector which I plug into existing socket or externally into jumper. I drive only myself my car, so don't concern too much about it but of course still want to do it right. I plan to to dedicated wire with 40A to feed it. Also please note that you will have passenger behind you: Camry rails go further into legging area so it might be not confy for them. And it looks like in Nascar car little bit, not cosmetically sound. You can contact me PM if anything else. Best Mario
he got it from a wrecking yard for $150., post #6, line #1a.great work vic, thanks for the pics. can't wait to see it installed!
I think you should run a heavy-gauge wire from the dedicated jumpstart terminal in the main relay fuse box, through a 40A fuse, then snake the wire through the firewall and route it along the carpeting to get to the driver's seat. Good luck.
For now I use stock plug just trying do not seat while adjusting, otherwise fuse could go off. I don't have too much time to do this, probably I'll just install stronger fuse on this line.
The easy way to get a 40 amp supply would be to bring a wire under the door sill covers from the battery in the rear, These covers just pop off and a fuse can be fitted in line at the battery terminal. This avoids the difficulty of getting the wire through the fire wall behind the dash. Two wires could be bought through just as easily separately fused one for each seat. Raising the fuse rating for the power outlet is a dangerous thing to do. The Prius has minimal wire gauge on most circuits. John (Britprius)
I put more pics on my albums, so you can see how it all looks, Project completed I connected power to main lighter, running extension under the carpet to under the seat and use simple extension cord couple for connection. It actually works fine with existing fuses even with full load, so I'll keep it for now. My butt is very happy now! Wish Toyota will takes this feedback, give us good seat in Prius!!!! Best to all V CamryGo
Wow, great Job ! I have a few questions, did the seat belt of the prius fit into the seat belt "hole" of the camry seat? did the seat belt sensor work fine with the prius- meaning not giving errors and bip sound? was the seat belt connector the same as the camry? I think I would like to do a project like this, I have a very bad back with sciatica pain down my leg, the seat legs seems to be the only big mess of this great project. Do you have more pictures of the leg cutting and re assembling? Thanks for sharing!
Found 12VDC+ constant voltage on 05 Prius fuse/relay panel under dash. I have not studied the wiring diagram, but you can tap into this connection just be sure to add a fuse close to the fusebox. Added wire is the red wire that goes above blue wire in photo above, use top connector of the fuse socket female 0.25 connector. Must remove left air vent and lower dash panel to access. Then remove the metal cover plate (3 x 10mm nuts)