Here are the current combined stats of the Top 20: 42562 EV miles 16655 HV miles 8821 kWh 276 gallons 72% EV 59217 total miles 101.4 MPGe 138 EV MPGe 60 HV MPGe
Great addition to our individual stats. What do you think about adding/updating this to your first entry? How are we doing compared to our Volt neighbors? Nothing wrong with a healthy rivalry
It would be a lot of work to update both of those things every time someone did an update on their stats. I will just do it in the thread periodically. Also, according to our EV MPGe kicks the crap out of theirs. And we know how bad our HV beats theirs.
I know I can't upgrade myself, my MPGe is probably only about 140 MPGe, but just thought I would share a late fall cool weather post!
Another 1,000+ tank. This tank has my new commute (20 miles round trip with one charge). The weather is getting colder. I have yet to block my grill - 132 MPGe on EV - 60 MPG on gas - 82.3 MPGe combined
Nice. Two charges per day would be ideal but I suppose finding a deal of parking + charging spot is asking too much in Manhattan
My new entry for the list: Since it is in km-liters I have calculated for you: Distance: 1528 km = 1012 miles. Combined km/l-eq: 42.75 = 100.5 MPGe EV km/l-eq: 62.28 = 146 MPGe Please update. One may wonder how comes I am improving my summer results so close to Christmas, the answer is that November temps were exceptionally high here (all time high since starting measuring), the fact I did not need A/C (nor heating) since mid October helped too.
When I convert I'm getting 680 EV miles, 331 HV miles, and 5 gallons of gas used (which goes up to 5.5 per our formula). That is 99.7 MPGe.
Your calculation is wrong and twisted. Car is reporting to a certain accuracy, distance to the km (highest integer) and consumption to the liter (highest integer), you are ignoring car report by introducing more uncertainty that does not exist! To your formula it should go like this: Gas consumption 20 liters plus 0.5 liter for uncertainty equals 20.5 liters or 5.42 gallons. 133 kWh divided by 0.85 and 33.7 equals 4.64 gallons equivalent. total gallons equivalent=10.06 1628 total km equals 1012 miles. MPGe=1012/10.06=100.6 The other way to calculate (which gives same result) is per this post in the thread.
^ I appreciate your logic, but to make things more equal I would suggest that you press the big miles/km button on dash (is it in your Prius?) and take picture of your drive ratio screen in miles mode. Or we let everybody take pictures in km mode to get more accurate results, but I sense endless math postings on this thread if we go that way.
I thought the reason we add 0.5 gallon was due to PiP displaying gallon rounded up. If PiP displays liter, I think we should add 0.5 liter before converting liters to gallons.
Wait, doesn't the PiP round down? So if you had used 1.9 gallons in HV mode, would it not read 1 gallon used?
Problem is my (and European) PIP does not read in gallons but in Liters, so if i used 20.9 liters it reads 20. So the uncertainty in my case is 0.99 liters, so adding 0.5 liters to the reading before converting to gallons seems to be the right thing to do in order to (averagely) compensate for the uncertainty.
Yeah, I see both your and markabele's point. It's his thread, though - if you can convince markabele to offer non-US models a dispensation.