Does anyone know if the 12 volt power outlet can be modified to be always on when the car is parked up?
Unfortunately this mod does not work with the UK Prius the wiring being somewhat different as we only get one power outlet in the center armrest box. I have been unable to locate a UK electrical diagram to be able to give reliable information on a simple fix. I believe the UK power outlet to be turned on by the ACC relay but this also supplies other items making a simple link out, out of the question. John (Britprius)
Skateruk, I am not saying it cannot be done, it can, but be careful. This is one of those times where your location greatly affects the information given. There are many differences between the US and UK/EU Prius and unfortunately this is one. I will look into this and see what I can come up with without having to rewire the power outlet. Give me a few days I will keep you informed. John (Britprius)
Thanks John, but don't worry if it cannot be done. In many respects, I've solved my initial concerns with the installation of a new battery. Not having had a Prius before, I was trying to forsee any problems that might occur with the onset of winter. There will be times when the car will not be driven for perhaps 3/4 days and the idea was to plug the CTEK into the cigar outlet to keep the battery in good condition! The alternative will be to get Formula1 to screw on the Ctek eylets directly onto the battery terminals and leave the "tail" accessible for clipping on to the mains cable as suggested by one of the guys on my other thread.