Has anyone had the Hybrid system warning lights come on at altitude? I can drive my '02 fine into the mountains, but restarting later causes the three warning/caution lights - freaked me out. Local dealer suggested it was altitude. Local dealer said it was altitude, and I have had some success opening the fill caps and letting things equilibrate. Does anyone know if I am damaging the car? Any tips on avoiding the problem? BTW, it kicked butt with chains on icy roads. Cheers, Jay
did you lose compression in the cabin?.... :lol: seriously though, I've heard of this before - and happens due to the change in atmospheric pressure (???). My old Cadillac had a similar issue in Colorado.
Has the engine control module been replaced under technical service bulletin EG011-03? My guess is 'not'. Ordinarily this is the cure.
these cars are sensitive to altitude. they have to run at altitude for a while so the ECM learns the new air mixture.