OK, so I know I'm being picky here, but my '06 Prius seat belts were installed in such a way that when you put the seat belt on, you have to twist both sides in order to point the tang in the right direction to push it into the latch. In other words, if I were to simply pull the belt over toward the latch so that neither side has a twist in it, the tang is pointed at ME instead of toward the latch by the console. I have to intentionally twist the belt to latch it. I hate that! It's inconvenient, and the twists makes the belt uncomfortable. My '03 Pruis was not that way, nor are the other two vehicles in our household. So is it just MY Prius, or is everyone's '06 that way? I'm going to take it to the dealer and see if they can fix it, but I'm curious if it's just mine or if they're all that way.
I haven't check that particular issue but it seems that my rear seat latches are on the wrong side. Anyone else have this?
Can't tell what the problem is from your post, but if you mean the rear seats, I've notices that 90% of cars require that you cross the center belt's socket over one side's socket in order to latch all three.