Boing boing article on the "Zoe". Article alleges that you can buy the car but you only rent the battery, and it only charges if the company allows it to. Also claims that the car vacuums up info about its owner and ships it off to Renault because, well, it can: Renault ships a brickable car with battery DRM that you're not allowed to own - Boing Boing Manufacturer Website: ZOE - Electric Vehicles - Renault Cars - Renault UK
Except when you ACTUALLY check on the links - first from Boing Boing and then to EFF and then to the actual item (merely a blog entry) posted here: Renault will remotely lock down electric cars — Karsten on Free Software you find out that the evidence for this action is not something from the company but a forum entry on a Renault user website who says he "sees" a clause in the lease agreement that "might" allow Renault to do all the heinous things that the article in Boing Boing SAYS that Renault is doing. Not surprising - Boing Boing and EFF are masters of accusing groups of illegal activities merely because the "potential for illegal activity is present".
Had a Daupuine, drove it from Daytona to Central NY for 16.50$ in 73' had a full tank when I arrived, sold it to a friend that wanted to make it electric, in 75' unibody, rear motor, very good at space inside the vehicle, french, err french. Went whatever the direction the wind did, weighed less then 1,400lbs, really cost only 12.50$ from fl bald tires going tru washington, what a mistake, slowed down to 20 in the city, (bet that day was saved in history, most rear ended cars ever), the gaps between cement roadways was 12", no way I was getting a flat, drove in the left lane most of the way, ah, the 70's Now I use 81 Bad, yer mad