Siri can't seem to "hear" or "understand" me when connected to Prius' Bluetooth. My phone is almost always connected via bluetooth when I get in the car, so it makes Siri useless to me - when it could be its most beneficial (access to information and text messaging hands-free). I have the new iPhone 4S. I know there is usually a second or two delay to connect to a phone call, when using Bluetooth in it takes a second or two for the caller on the other end to actually hear me - so maybe this is the problem with Siri? Siri expects you to start talking within only a second or two - and if it doesnt' hear anything will "cut off" listening. She usually responds to me with "I don't understand you." Siri works fine for me in normal mode (not connected thru bluetooth.) Is anyone else experiencing this problem? Also, does anyone know if Siri (and the iPhone) provide a way to swap instantaneously to using the iPhone's speaker as input instead of the car speakers? Similar to how you have that choice during an incoming phone call - you can swap it to use the iPhone's audio instead of the car speakers. That could solve the issue, although not as ideal. Thanks for any feedback!
The way the car ystem is setup, it has final control over the phone. Use Siri when out of the's what I do. Besides the voice command in the car works with the phone thus leaving Siri a little sorry!
I have 2007 Prius and it works perfectly for me. I press and hold the home button to initiate Siri. Siri connects through Bluetooth and handles multi-step interactions without a flaw. Click Siri icon for additional interactions. Click home button once to close Siri.
I too have this same problem and using an iPhone 5s and 2010 Prius. It sounds like it is only affecting Gen 3+ Prius owners. This leads me to think it is a bluetooth issue with Toyota. I really need this fixed!