So today the temperature dropped to around 25 degrees, and as such on my drive home the windows started fogging up. I decided to turn on the air and set it to windshield, after about 20 minutes the windshield is still not defogging, and I can only see a small spherical portion of the bottom part of the window as clear, while almost 80% of the window is still fogged up. I stopped at a red light and put my hand near where the air should be coming from and nothing is coming out. I noticed that no matter what option I select, no air is coming out of the windshield vents. I was able to get under the drivers side and take note of the motor, I had my sister move around from feet, to bi-level, to windshield, and in all cases I can see things moving, however no air is still moving from the vents near the windshield. Another interesting item to note, when I have the mode set to chest/face the air is still coming out of the floor, but not the windshield, when its set to feet, I can still feel it coming out of the chest/face area, lastly if I have the air on high and on windshield, I can still feel it coming out of the chest/face area and also the feet. it seems the only way I can get the air to not blow to the chest/face area, is to block all the vents by manually moving the flow, in either case the windshield vents are still not working, and with a Chicago winter right around the corner, i need those windshield vents more than ever.
As you can see the intake air vent can get really clogged with leaves and stuff! It ends up here, in you cabin tour filter.. Make sure the system is cleared of any debris that will impede the air flow!
Did that last night as well, there were some leaves and such, but cleared that out as well. This morning my entire window was iced up, and had to use the windshield fluid to cut through the ice, also there was noticeable fogging inside with the air turned to windshield only I could still feel the air coming out at the feet well and also bi-level.
It sounds like your air conditioning amplifier is not opening the proper doors so air will come out through the windshield defroster openings. I suggest you seek Toyota dealer assistance.
Thats what I feared, I was hoping there was something I could take a look at, but it doesn't look like that would be the case here.
If it's any condolence, yours is the first case of this condition I have ever seen on PC since I joined in '08! So it's not common! Let us know how you make out!
I wouldn't hold your breath, if the OP hasn't reported back in 4 years, I'd say he's moved on. I notice your car is a Gen 3. Perhaps you would get better information about your specific problem by asking your question in a Gen 3 forum, rather than in a Gen 2 forum.