I just don't get it. I've encountered so many Prius drivers dutring my commute on the freeway who drive like maniacs! I mean going at 80+ mph while weaving, zigzaging, and tailgating. Who are these people? Why did they buy a Prius? Driving the Prius like a race car defies the whole purpose of owning one. Did they steal those cars? Did they borrow them from their wives while their Hummers are being serviced? In my experience, driving a Prius encourages you to drive in more calm and relaxing way. I just don't get it.
granted, i'm not a maniac like that but sometimes i will punch it around curves and from stops cause the prius is a fun car..
There are certain percentage of Prius drivers bought Prius because of the HOV stickers. They probably couldn't care less about saving fuel and reducing emission. I once got cut-off within a couple feet by a Prius. Imagine my anger!!?!
The vast majority of Prius buyers just wanted a more fuel-efficient car. And no matter what your driving style, the Prius is more efficient than any other car of similar size. Don't assume Prius drivers are radical environmentalists. Some folks would say driving a car at all is irresponsible.
when i was younger (and gas was much cheaper) i drove that way and it wouldnt surprise me much if i drove that way had i a Prius waaay back then... but times change. that is what makes MOST of us superior... our ability to adapt
It has enough accelleration for me! But then I'm not on the road swerving and cutting people off. Just a lot of semi-jackrabbit starts for me I guess. I like to get up to speed as quickly as possible before coasting to the next stoplight. There are bound to be crazy, unobservant, unsafe drivers out there, and it doesn't matter what car they drive. I have to count on myself to be doubly aware when I'm driving, paying attention first to what I'm doing/how I'm driving, and secondly paying close peripheral attention to those around me.
It is a fun car but it doesn't have the acceleration that encourages aggressive driving?????? I have a varible lead foot, sometimes I drive to save fuel/money other times Im in a hurry. Hell the car goes from 0-60 in 9.5 seconds.. thats pretty fast A police interceptor goes 0-60 in 7 seconds.. still pretty fast .. cant say much for cutting and swerving.. And yes Im not a tree hugger! I purchased the car for the following reasons: nice spaceship styling, sporty, small on the outside big on the inside, quick & most of all it has saved me $2300 in gas the first year of ownership.. One thing everyone should remember , "Driving a car is not a Rite, its a privlage"..
Those must be the car reviewers. Give them time and they'll write a review declaring that they achieved nowhere near EPA estimates.
Yeh.....I could care less about speeding all over the frwys...... The main reason I purchased mine...... 1. chick magnet A desirable car which impresses the ladies. "This car is a chick magnet" easy girls.......there's enough to go around for all of you!
I get it and I love racing about... in my Acura NSX. My Prius just doesn't compare so I don't bother.
Around the DC Metro Area, there's a pretty good correlation between Agressive Prius Drivers and the Clean Fuel tags needed for HOV access. That's not to say all folks who have the Clean Fuel tags are aggressive drivers. But, if you see a Prius driving like it's a Ralley, odds are probably 90% it will have the tags.
scale modeling? man i'd like to get a body like that. hey you knwo what exercises I could do in my cubicle? Everyone's gone for the rest of the week so I have absolutely NOTHING to do while I'm here *does imaginary punches on rmarchena* TAEEEBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Husband Dan and Foxy get their kicks by rattling SUV doors as they go screaming by! I scold Dan if he does this while I'm in the car, tell him that he's abusing MY car. But the smug buggah gets better MPGs than I do. :blink:
every now and again i gotta take the car out for a joyride. the car likes it, i like it, it's all good.
Maybe they're just trying to tear down some Prius stereotypes. Do they also have NRA & W stickers? Straight Pride?
ok.. i admit.. i drive like a maniac... but that's like my 20th time admiting it.. it's fun... sure.. my previous cars were faster (Lincoln Mark VII 5.0L HO V8) and could out handle my car (318i BMW)... but i never get below 40mpg... and i usually don't get below 45mpg... only reason being is because i usually hold a steady speed, so the hybrid system doesn't take a discharge beeting causing mpg to drop. I could get fifties.. and well... 60's if i want.. but that's not fun in bay area traffic... it's probably dangerous. hehe
Around here when someone in a Prius goes bombing pass me it usually has “exempt†state plates on it . Part of the motor pool!