My Toyota sales guy gave me the name of the guy who does the window tint and clear bra installs for the dealer. I was quoted $250 for the works: complete wrap of front end, side view mirrors and rocker panels. Sounds like a really good deal to me. $50 less than the dealer quote for the same job and installer. What do you think?
The spray version only lasts something like a year. I have the real film on mine, it's worth every penny. Mine was $600, no tint.
The full kit covers full hood but the smaller kit covers about 2/3 from the front. It works well for me. Just last week, while I was driving something from the car in front came loose and flew right on my hood and bounced off with loud bang! Apparently it was a hard rubber boot from the suspension system. It left a black mark about 5" long, which I later cleaned off with no other damages. Also with tree zap or bird drops, the clean up is a lot easier. If your guy can cover the "whole" front side of the side view mirror, then he is really good.
I paid $450 for the clear bra, window tinting including the front windshield with crystalline all is 3M