Anyone gotten their wheel bearing changed? Was told by my service advisor the bearing are all worn out 50000km/31000miles servicing. Was curious how come so fast need replacement...
did you go through any flooded areas? i'm not sure what would cause all the bearings to fail, defective maybe?
nope.. my place here rain often but not flooding.. either defective or my wheel not properly balance previously (i guess)
i think you would have noticed if they were unbalanced enough to damage the bearings. is it covered under warranty?
here in Singapore our Prius C is covered with 5 years warranty. So the bearing is free for replacement.. was just told by my service advisor again that this parts is covered. Lucky me
Here in Singapore, they didnt allow us to go to the service area.. i doubt i will be able to get the pics.. will try to ask and see if able to.
Bearings can be worn out due to extremely rough roads or by high speed turning such as taking a 35 mph off ramp at around 50.
Dang. I'd better quit that, then... I always ask for my worn/broken parts back when they write up my ticket to start work. You may want to call them or drop by to ensure they know you want your old parts back.
Parts replaced under warranty are the property of Toyota. They are no longer your parts as they have given you new ones in return. They may want them returned for inspection or as proof that they have been changed. John (Britprius)
Weird that you need bearings at 31k. I think they are not worn out. My Prius sounds like a plane inside too. Since I changed my wheels , tires and struts to make it handle better on the freeway it has only gotten louder. Now it is like riding in a propeller plane. Turn off signatures in Tapatalk Tapatalk