I bought an 06 with approx 88k miles on it about a month ago. Car seemed to be well taken care of but now it feels rough when it changes from gas to electric engines...almost like a sputter or jolt. Seems to be getting worse, as well, and is really noticeable when the heat is on. Anyone know what is wrong? No CE lights or anything have come on. I was going to change the spark plugs....what are the best plugs for this model? Any info/insight is much appreciated. Thanks
Checked it and it's just below the top notch so that's good. Again, I've never seen the CE light or any other lights but it really changes hard between the two engines and seems like it's getting slightly worse. Should I do a tuneup or is this something more than that? I've been searching on this site for an answer but can't find anything like this. Has a little bit of a sputter or "cough" at times when it's idleing right after I start it up, too. Not every time I start it but every once in a while. Related? Thanks to anyone who can help me with this.
Hi Jae, it may be the trans damper. That is a drive plate between the engine and trans that resembles a clutch plate but one that doesn't disengage as in a manual trans. They have springs in them to take the shock out of the drive line and the springs were revised to a softer grade in the gen2. After some years of service they become a little soft and can clunk as the engine comes in and out. The noise they make if the engine has a constant misfire is hideous. However they never fail, just become a little annoying. I wouldn't lose too much sleep worrying about it. It is simply the noise and sensation when the weakened springs reach the ends of there stroke and therefore have no more damping affect to offer, hence it feels a little harsh and often makes a little clunk noise.
Probably could use a a throttle body clean. A good thorough internal clean not something you pour in the gas tank. Pull the air cleaner box off and look in there and below the butterfly and see how dirty it is. Its pretty easy and really helps the car divisibility. Car has very good oem plugs so doubt that unless its burning oil. Keep a close eye on the engine oil level till you know the car. Alot of Prius engine eating oil reports. Bruce can tell you all about that lol... Change the oil over to a high quality synthetic helps smooth out the engine too. Try Mobil 1 but can't recommend a viscosity as you never filled out your location so not sure if your in the frozen north. If up north use 0-20 if deep south I use 5-30. For investigative purposes put the car in inspection mode and this will allow the engine to run at idle continuously until you shut it off. Open the hood and listen to it carefully. Should purr right along. Let it run for a while.Listen for unusual noises: Recently I tried a new high performance oil and the engine runs spectacularly on it. It even made the engine on & off transition much smoother too. Here: Redline Motor Oil: | PriusChat
Ed pleas3...sarcasm is the refuge of the dim of wit. DO I detect some ruffled feathers in the establishment? Like Ed says, clean the throttle b9dy....it fixes everything from worn wipers to blown tail kights. He has the years on the workshop floor so he knows...lol to you old mate.
I don't know what your talking about. You pm'ed me and we had a nice conversation and you said you replaced the oil rngs on your car and I thought that was awesome. Excellent job very hard work. I referenced your name meaning you really know about oil eating engines. Have no idea you would take that as an insult. Sorry mentioning your name pisses you off.
How many so called experts on this site have actually rolled up the sleeves and had one of these cars apart? Any car? Judging by some of the absolutely ridiculous ideas thrown around, not many would be my guess. One clown decided in his wisdom that"he couldn't believe I am as I say, a qualified tech". What ever, I'm all good. Ed, it did come accross as if you were "taking the piss" as we say in Oz. "ask Bruce, he knows all about it". Yes I do. A guy that can buy cars no one has any idea how to diagnose, let alone fix, and then turns them at a profit learns a thing or two along the way, the hard way usually. Everyone has an opinion I suppose, just a pity some are so far off the mark!
edthefox, if it helps at all I also wondered what the heck his problem was. I re-read your post twice to be sure.
Thank you guys. I wondered too given what he and I have discussed lately. He's very rude. He pm'ed me last week asking me about the vvt filter and the accompanied oil control solenoid on a car he had just replaced the oil rings on. He didn't know where it was even though he's a "trained Toyota Tech". I told him where the filter could be found. Also asking me about solenoid. Wasn't sure what he meant as its called the the oil control valve. Then after the car was running he asked me about CEL Code P0016 the car was throwing. PO016 means crankshaft/camshaft position error. I knew what that meant given that fact he had the head off as most of us regulars would. The timing chain timing was off. I politely suggested checking the timing chain and giving him the benefit of the doubt thought maybe the chain is in right and the motor is just done. He replied later oh yeah the timing chain was off a tooth. No shit Sherlock. Never a thanks. If I knew what an insufferable prick he was I would have said you did not install the timing chain correctly and its off a tooth or 2 dimwit. The thread is here: http://priuschat.com/conversations/oil-consumption-on-06-prii.123288/ So after apoligizing for mentioning his name he posts: " Everyone has an opinion pity some are so far off the mark" What? You're Mr Goodwrench now? How do you know the experience people have had in there life with cars man? Your the only guy who owns a set of wrenches? I do know you can't put a timing chain on this car. Enjoy going back in there I hope? I have been on this forum almost 7 years and think I have seen one post about the engine/trans damper in all those years. It's ridiculous at 87K miles to even bring it up. Its an engine performance/start-up issue. I offered some easy benign simple things to check which are known issues on this car. Its a car forum. Probably his first. People are allowed to make suggestions. Hopefully without insults. Wanker indeed.
Yes wll at midnight after fixing everyones elses car, eyes hanging outvof my head its an easy error. Shit um human it seems. Pedantic tossers. I have had custoners like you before. Never worth the grief. This site is like a boys club. I'll be sure to clean those throttle bodies fr9m now on seeing as it cures everything from smallpox to cancer. Lol.
As for the filter. Never had the need to investigate it b4 so what. I work on so many damn cars I've probably forgotten m9re than most will ever know. Get over it you pompas twit.
It's like arguing with Monty Python lol... Shit I'm human too... And when was I your customer...your a lunatic. What do you have against throttle body's? You seem very angry at them. Did one squish a tiny digit somewhere in your vast training mate?
You know Ed, I think I was a little hasty. I am actually finding myself enjoying your sense of humour. Those bastard throttle bodies and their fanatical fan base, they'll be the death of me. If only I could get it through my thick scone, they lie at the heart of every current and as yet unknown issue on Priis the world over, oh along with those troublesome pollen filters. Nearly forgot that pearl of wisdom. Yes sir, must check and/or replace them at least monthly or you'll die a horrid death of pox. Where on earth did you get that one from? Gold!
Thanks for the info guys. I appreciate the advice and will follow it. I'm in WI so it's definitely starting to get a little chilly around here. I'll update after I've had a chance to try out your advice and let you know if that was the solution. Hopefully it is. Again, thanks....
Any update(s) or solutions on your "hard shift" issue? I might be experiencing something similar after a minor tuneup (plugs/injectors), all done without resetting the 12v. Now thinking of cleaning the MAF / throttle body, disconnecting the 12v, then letting it relearn. Thank you for posting!!