Lady Gaga to become first artist to sing in space - She might as well sing this parody She will not be the first to sing in space or to have a viral video in space - think Chris Hadfield has that honor
Madonna could have already been up there > Madonna could be sent into space in 2009 - Russian Space Agency
Will her backing band be going up? With all those instruments floating around in zero gravity, there's a risk that a drumstick or something might poke 'er face. I'll be here all night, ladies and gentlemen.
Well, that's one way to look at it, another is that the money "paid to be there" (space) helps to maintain and increase the likely hood (just slightly off topic ) that the cancer of the planet (humans) will escape the planet before the planet exterminates the cancer. Personally, I'll be surprised if she's breathing in two years
Ground control to major Tom Ground control to major Tom Look out GaGa's,comming, put your helmet on...
Has Virgin Galactic even built the space ship that she's signed up for yet? Who actually believes they'll ever put a paying tourist in orbit, much less in 2015? I guess you can go into "space" now, a sub-orbital flight, based on the lack of a clear dividing line between "space" and "atmosphere." Wouldn't it be funny if Elon Musk decided to put a singer into orbit before VG is ready for passengers? Space X is certainly ahead of VG in the commercial space race, even though they're not really competing head to head, since the former is sending payloads to the space station, while the latter just wants to take passengers. I think it would be really cool to go into orbit, if I didn't get motion sick. Since I do, I won't, even if the opportunity arises.
Hopefully HAL will flush Gaga out the airlock citing she's a liability to the mission We've got tons of space garbage floating around there already- what's a hundred pounds more...
If the passengers were required to wear the orange full spacesuits the shuttle astronauts did, that would be enough to keep Gaga from going. ...unless she can go in a transparent, sexy one and go as "Yuri Gaga"
Couldn't she make a space suit out of meat, like that bikini or whatever it was a couple of years ago? I think Lady Gaga gets unfair criticism. Yes, her songs are not really my sort of thing. And she's a bit bizarre. But I think she's a healthy role model for kids - she's big on acceptance and being nice and respecting yourself and stuff like that - so she deserves some credit for that. And she does sell a lot of records. My kids aren't quite in the Lady Gaga demographic yet. I live in a world of Hello Kitty and One Direction.