Based on my experience with my 2008 Gen2, I just bought a new Optima Yellowtop for my wife's Prius V (don't want her to get stranded and have some yahoo incorrectly jump her car). I assume it's the same setup but haven't been able to get the car away from her long enough to do it yet. Anything to watch out for other than the little capacitor box and the ductwork?
OK, can answer my own question. It is drop dead easy. Unlike the Gen2 or, I understand, Gen3, there is no ductwork to move, no electronics in the way. Remove two 10 mm bolts on the restraining strap and Yellowtop model DS46B24R drops right in. Terminals are correct size so you don't need to change the clamps. Whole job, start to finish, about 30 minutes. Don't forget to jumper at the terminal on the fusebox so you don't lose your data.
Thanks for the info. Have not changed the battery on my 08 yet, but it's encouraging to hear the 12 is easier.
Yes earlier this year on an '08 with less than 20K....the light went on and when I brought into the dealer they said it needed it..cost: $360