Hello I have a quick question I was hoping you can help with. My 2012 Prius 5 has the current tire size of 215/45ZR17 on them. I was reading around these forums and something recommended getting 205/50R17 for winter driving. I found some nice winter tires my question is would I need to buy a new wheel to fit these tires or would they fit on the wheels that are on the car now? Thank you in advance
More than a few members go with a second set of 15 inch wheels for mounting their winter tires. SCH-I535
You can pick up OEM takeoffs relatively cheap in the 15 inch size. The 15 inch tires cost less, and you don't have to pay to dismount and mount/balance your tires with the change in seasons as you would if you stay with your 17 inch wheels. Face it, you won't need the performance oriented low profile 17s for driving in snow anyway. SCH-I535
Stretch! All the kids are doing it these days! lol ON a serious note, it all depends on how much you want to spend. On my Gen2 I have the 162 wheels with 205/55/16 summer tyres fitted. I bought a cheap set of used 15" steelies from a 01 Avensis from a scrappie and will be fitting my 15" 195/65/15 winter tyres this weekend. The winter tyres cost me circa €80 each last year and the steelies cost €50 for all 4. It's cost maybe €40 to have the 15" winters fitted to the steelies, so all in costing me about €410 for my winter set up. If I was to buy 4 16" winters, they would cost me approx €480 before fitting and as I already have the winters, it's only costing me the price of the used steelies and fitting this year and I already got a season out of them last year. Back to the OP Q, I wouldn't be bothered getting new 17s, the other size tyre should fit, but why bother changing tyre size? If you just get a 215/45/17 winter tyre you'll have no hassle. Are they much more expensive?
The difference in tire size would have NO effect for winter driving. If you live in an area with a lot of snow and ice, and you Prius is your daily driver, you would benefit from dedicated snow tires. Toyota fits the 215/45/17 tire on the 17" Prius 5 wheels. Why deviate from their recommendation?
It was brought up that having a smaller width helps with traction not sure if that is correct or not. Also it was said that it was a litttle higher so there would be ground clearance
My reply would be very little and very little. So small amount, it would be insignificant. If you need better tires for winter driving, get dedicated winter tires.
That is 100% true. The only reason to possibly change size, might be for $ savings only as going from a 215 to a 205 would make no noticable difference. The only reason that I've gone from a 205 to a 195 is that I already have the 195 winter tyre