I am sharing MPG data for 37 months of operation of my 2010 Prius III. I have attached a PDF of the spreadsheet and details of driving conditions below. This low mileage (<17500) Prius has a glass roof, 15" rims, no modifications and all maintenance was performed. I would say it's in excellent condition. Volume of gas was calculated by running the tank to one cube and filling it to capacity each time. The odometer, gallons of gas, date, and price per gallon was recorded at each fill-up to calculate the MPGs. Statistics: (March 2010-May 2013) Average Gas Cost per Mile$0.091 Average MPG41.78 Min Gas Mileage35.08 Max Gas Mileage48.74 Total Gallons391.08 Median Gas Mileage41.70 Average $/Gal$3.77 Driving Conditions Weather: SF Bay Area moderate winters and hot summers. Never left the bay area. Typical Driving: Commute 3 miles one way. Majority of miles on surface roads. Relief: Moderate 0-400 feet in the general area, the commute has a relief of about 100 feet Typically one passenger ~190LBS Driving Habits: Used dash readout to achieve maximum MPG, no jack-rabbit starts, followed speed limit, coasted to a stop when possible. The sun roof was closed 90% of the time. How does your MPG experience compare? Scott
I typically get 51 mpg per tank, but it depends if i do all the driving or not. It dips below 50 when i'm not driving. I have a 35+ commute that is downhill for the 1st 10 miles or so, then quite flat, of course the opposite going home. I measure gas at the pump, and use the odometer. I use the HSI for tank, and i also use a scangauge, and all 3 perspectives vary quite a bit. Interestingly, my mileage has dropped more or less since the 1st 6 mos or so, probably because i use the cruise control more, and other family members probably drive it more now as well. dave
I'd say short trips is what is killing your mileage. I'd get a PIP for that kind of commute, or, walk, or ride a bike, and save the Prius for road trips and going to the store. SF is not too hot, and exercises are good for the body. I try to walk 3 miles on my lunch break when schedule permits.
You probably are not driving far enough for the engine to warm up and give you the mileage you would like to get. And I know there are hills there too. If you take highway trips do you get much better mileage?
3 mile commute? If you have the money for a PIP and a place to park and charge it at home, this would be the car for you. Great for your daily commute and great for any extended road trips that you might take.
Very few people have that short commute, so the poll makes no sense whatsoever. I reset my trip meter every day and I can tell you that I expect to hit circa 40 MPG at the end of 3rd mile in mild weather, so you are doing fine. BTW, I hit 60 MPG at the 8-10 mile mark. My wife does short trips in her non-hybrid car and gets exactly 18 MPG.
3 miles commute is just too short colder temp half would be the warm up ... ... that kill your milage ... so you are doing well considering
I have a 40km trip to work, so plenty of time to warm things up Consumption was falling as the Prius was running in and I learned to drive it better. The increase recently is due to wet weather and one trip out in the country. I find economy suffers a bit driving on wet roads .
First 5,607 miles used a measured 110.4 US gallons for 50.7 mpg. Next 3,496 miles used a measured 67.3 gallons for 51.9 mpg. First 5000 was cross country driving from Virginia to Utah and return. Second 3,500 was mix of shorter trips and urban commuting. In-town driving appears to drive the mileage estimates into the 40s, 55-65 steady driving gets estimates in the 50s, and when driving 70+ estimated mpg agin falls into the 40s. The estimated mpg seems consistently 4-5% higher than mileage calculated by gallons filled and odometer readings when i can directly compare them on trips. Helpful? I agree with previous posts that the 3 mile commute is the basis of your low mileage IMHO.
Short trips to work, under 5 miles, will see mpg's in the 30's during the winter months here in the northwest. Just went fishing yesterday with my wife with our Prius. Seaside to Beaver Oregon, Nestucca River, about 135 miles round trip. Highway 101 main route. MPG's indicated 63.8 mpg which would be about 60 mpg true. Also had several hills to cross along Hwy 101 ocean route.
MY 2010 II with 61,000 miles has an at the pump measured lifetime mpg of 56.mpg. I would say 60% of that was highway, rest around town. I do better on the highway......
I have obtained my first data points for the mpg effects of changing tire pressures (I am using a paired data points method, so both drives were roughly 1000 mile summer drives from southeast Wisconsin to northern Virginia using toll roads at speeds of maximum 67 mph or 5 miles over the posted limit if that was less.) Pressure 35 psi front, 33 psi rear: 958 miles, 18.5 US gallons, 51.7 mpg Pressure 39 psi front, 37 psi rear, 1002 miles, 17.9 US gallons, 55.9 mpg I was trying to be exceedingly careful to refuel in exactly the same manner at all times, but obviously some refueling inaccuracy could occur. The apparent gain is about 4 mpg or 2% for a 4psi increase. Does this jive with the effects on measured mpg that other folks are finding?
You might consider do a series of bidirectional benchmarks, 10 miles, at the same cruise control speed. Fully inflate your tires; reach a given cruise control speed, and; reset a trip meter. Do back-to-back runs in both directions to take out weather and elevation changes and average the results of each run. Then take 5 psi out of the tires and repeat. Then plot the results or bring them here and we'll help. Bob Wilson
I get about 38 mpg on my 2.1 mile commute to work. (After subtracting 5% for guage error.) So you are doing about right if that is all you drive it.
I just bought a 2010 Prius IV and getting 37mpg according to my dash display. I drive 3miles one way. Only used half tank so far
That is a very short distance. In colder weather you can not really expect much better mpg you barely finish warm up (which is a HUGE hit on mpg for the first 1-1.5 mile) and you most likely will have issues with the 12V battery again especially colder weather. For this daily pattern a plug-in would be an ideal solution with the capacity going anywhere if you need to. Again this is a very short time to draw any conclusion
I commute 20 miles each way to work. When the OAT was in the mid 50's to mid 60's, I was averaging 44 - 47 MPG as per the MPG readout. Now the temps are in the 45 to 55 degree range and I am seeing the gas mileage decrease. Right now it's averaging 43.7 MPG. It's been interesting seeing what causes the most mileage decrease (cabin heat, night driving/lights on, colder OAT) and right now (just my observation), the cold temps seem to be affecting my Prius the most.
Driving Conditions Weather: Greater Vancouver, BC, Canada, and surrounding area. Milder, coastal winters, around 49th parallel (US border) Typical Driving: My wife used primarily for short commutes, and the two of us: weekend excursions, shopping, vacation Relief: Mostly near sea level, not too hilly Typically one passenger: usually one or two, sometimes more. Driving Habits: * My wife's not as attentive as me to mpg issues, but does try. * We have a ScanGuage, showing RPM, coolant temp, accumulating and instant mpg. * Use a block heater year 'round. Grill block through winter. * Stay at or under speed limits, try to drive strategically, looking ahead, coasting to stops. * Keep an eye on the HSI bar, try to keep it in electric-only, as long as state of charge not dropping too much. In that event, switch to pulse-and-glide a bit. * Try to consolidate trips, or walk short distances. Personally I commute to work by train, and with my wife off work for some time now, we're filling up maybe once a month, and then it's just past the half-tank mark. Not exactly ideal candidates for a Prius, LOL. We have the Canadian "Touring" model, similar to the US "V" (with the 17" wheels). In winter I sub 195/65R15 Michelin X-Ice2, for about 5 months, on steel rims. Our current accumulated mpg, with around 3 years of calc's, is 5.1 liters per 100 km's, which translates to 46.5 miles per US gallon.
I have a 3.7 mile commute each way and am currently (23F weather) averaging about 49 MPG display which should be about 46 MPG calculated. In Spring and Fall I average about 57 MPG display and 53MPG calculated. Summer about 3 MPG lower. EDIT: I have the glass roof as well FWIW.